Chapter Eleven: Vacation with Piccolo and Pan Part 2

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Saturday morning

As the sun peeks through Janet's room window, she yawns, and she tries to turn over. As she did, she saw that she was being held by Piccolo. Janet started blushing and silently started to panic. As she was about to move, Piccolo wrapped his hand around her torso. Janet becomes flustered. As she tried to move his arm gently, Pan ran into the room and shouted, "Good morning!! Breakfast time!!" As she shouted, both Janet and Piccolo fell out of the bed. Once Piccolo tried to get up, he noticed he was on top of Janet.

Piccolo looks her under him, noticing she was just in a tank top and short. As he did, he was scrambling to get off of her and then sat up in a sitting up position. As Janet gets up, she walks towards Pan and says, "Sorry for that, Pan. Let's head downstairs so Piccolo can get himself adjusted. While you and I head downstairs and get breakfast ready." As they both walked out, Piccolo stood up and started to feel embarrassed. He thought, "Why the hell do I feel like this? I've already established I love her, but being over her and staring in her face feels different." As he walks out of the room, he stands up against the wall. All he can think about her and the kiss they shared on the battlefield. As he was in his daze, a voice called out to him. Piccolo got out of the daze and then heard the voice and recognized it was Dende.

Piccolo talks to him through his mind. Piccolo says, "Dende, is something wrong?" Dende says, "No, but I see you have something to explain. Starting with you being cuddled up with Janet? Very smooth." Piccolo growled. Dende says, "I'm just saying. You're never this comfy around people, but now you've found your other half. Do you plan on dating more, and do you plan to tell your friends?" Piccolo grew a tick mark on his face and said, "No!! Never in a million years!!! They would just be more annoying than they are now." Dende says, "Come on, Piccolo. If you're going to continue dating her or making her your girlfriend, you might as well let her know every aspect of your life. Especially, our race and I mean everything." Piccolo sighs and says, "I know, I just..... worried." Dende says, "I understand, but you told her you would share your life with her. You promised." Piccolo sighs and says, "Fine. I will tell her when I can." As he thinks, he says to himself, "But what will she do when she meets them? And will she still take me as I am?" Janet says, "Piccolo!! Are you coming down?" Piccolo snaps out of it and says, "Yeah, I'm coming."

As he walks down, he sees Janet hold a purple umbrella with a long black towel. Piccolo asked, "Where are you going?" Janet and Pan giggles and says, "We all are going to the beach!!! And that means you too, Piccolo!!" Piccolo's jaw dropped. Pan says, "Hold the basket, "Come on, Piccolo. It will be fun, and Miss Janet says we can get more ice cream. Please say you're coming. Please!!!!" Piccolo makes a face, but then Janet makes a pouty face also. Piccolo sighs and says, "Fine." They both high-five and say, "Let's go!" As they walk outside, Janet pulls out a capsule, and it transforms into a jeep with the top down. Before they get in the jeep, Piccolo changes his clothes with his own clothes beam. He changes into a purple t-shirt with cargo shorts. Once he did, they all got in the car. As Janet started driving, she asked him, "What was that? How did you change your clothes that quick?" Piccolo says, "I created a beam that can change my clothes. In battle, my clothes always get ripped up, so I developed this technique for that reason." Janet smiles and says, "Well, that sure is convenient. Wish I had that." Piccolo looks down at her hand and touches the top of her hand. She looks at their hands and at Piccolo. Piccolo turns his head and says, "Well, next time, just ask, and I will use on you if you want." Janet blushes and focuses on the road and says, "Sure. Thank you." Pan giggles and says, "You both are blushing!!" After hearing that, Piccolo and Janet remove their hands from each other and look away from each other. Piccolo says, "No, we are not, Pan."

At the beach

Once they get there, Janet says, "Alright, Piccolo, can you find us a spot to sit at on the beach? Me and Pan are going to go and change. Piccolo says, "Sure. Be careful, you two." Janet says, "We will. Come on, Pan." As they head towards the changing room, Piccolo had to find a spot for them. As he searched, he saw one near the shoreline. Meanwhile, as Pan and Janet came out of the changing room, some guys were eyeing Janet in her yellow bathing suit. Janet and Pan walked along the beach, searching for Piccolo. Once they found him, he was lying on the towel scowling. They snuck up on him and say, "Peek-a-boo, Piccolo!!!" Piccolo was startled and jumps. They were giggling. As they sat down, Janet kissed Piccolo on his cheek. Piccolo's eyes went wide, and he looked at her. Janet said, "I just wanted to thank you for coming with us and also finding this great spot on the beach. Piccolo blushes and says, "Sure. No problem."

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