Chapter Four: The Result

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The next day after the date

Gohan and Videl asked Piccolo to come over. As he got there, Pan ran outside to him and hugged him. Gohan says, "Hey Piccolo, Videl's inside waiting for you to tell her what happened." Piccolo sighs.

As They enter the house

Videl was cooking in the kitchen, while Mr. Satan (Hercule) was sitting on the couch laughing at t.v. As Piccolo sat in the kitchen, Videl sat across from him at the table. Gohan thinks, "Why does the tension feel so thick? I thought the date went well." Videl sighs and asks, "So, Piccolo, what happened on the date?" Gohan says, "Honey, I already told you." Videl says, "I know, I just want to know from Piccolo's perspective. I mean, this is Piccolo's first time feeling romantic feelings towards someone, and I just want to know if he feels ready to maybe take it up a notch?" Piccolo sighs and says, "The date was great. She is so kind and she has such a warm nature. I actually ate something that is like water but sweet and frozen, and it was colored green. We went to a coffee shop, and she listened to every word I said. She told me all she sees in me is a kind man and on the outside as well. She told me she is in love with me for just being me. She wasn't scared of me, and she wasn't afraid to fly." As Piccolo continued on, Videl was so happy and overjoyed that Piccolo found someone that sees him as a person of interest and not just some alien. They enjoyed hearing him talk about her and was a bit worried about how she brought up the topic of her parents as it sounded as if it was sad.

Videl asked, "Well, did she go into detail about what happened to her parents?" Piccolo says, "No. She seemed like she didn't want to talk about it." As Piccolo finished talking about Janet and the date, he was called out the kitchen by Gohan. As they left, they decided to go to the Rocky Canyon to train. Piccolo asked, "So, nice staying to the shadows, but why are we here?" Gohan says, "Well, I owe you a rematch for the date, and hopefully, you and you can talk as well. Gohan and Piccolo form their fighting stances, and Piccolo says, "Just so you, I will be paying you back for that sneak attack from last time." As he smirks. Gohan laughs nervously and thinks, "I'm dead."

Meanwhile, at Janet's House

After her getting ready routine, she went downstairs to cook breakfast. She cooks herself raspberry and blueberry pancakes, sausage patties, scrambled eggs, and cranberry juice. As she starts cooking, she can't help having Piccolo on her mind. She could help smile from ear to ear, thinking about the date. She says, "He was so kind and when he held her so close to his chest while flying..... she had to stop thinking about Piccolo's chest. Janet blushed and ran around in her house so much. She accidentally knocked down a picture of her family. As she walked over to the picture, she rubbed the picture where her parents stood. She says, "Mom, Daddy, if only you were here to see me happy." As she puts the picture back on the wall, her cellphone starts to ring.

As she runs over to it, she sees it is her older sister, Anya (Short for Anastasia) calling her. As she picks up the phone, Anya shouts, "Hi! Baby sister! Are you doing well?" Janet giggles and says, "Yes, sister. I am fine, but don't do that again. You scared me out of my skin." Anya says, "My bad. So, how's living in the city treating you?" Janet says, "Pretty good, being a teacher is fun, and some of my students are very interesting." Anya asked, "How so?" Janet talks about her students and how some are strong enough to lift her car or a truck and how some of the kids can fly. Anya was shook over the phone. Janet also says, "I met someone, and he took me to the park we used to go to with Mama and Dad." Anya went silent and then said, "Sis, what did you just say?" Janet says, "Anya, please don't get mad, please. It was nice and the man I went with is so kind and caring." Anya says, "This is why you should have stayed in America with me, because I knew you would go there! Do not remember what we lost there. Those were the last moments that we have of seeing mom and dad. We didn't even get to finish our picnic that day, and yet you went back there. You have to be the most inconsiderate, saddest person I've ever...... Anya was cut off by her sister's crying. Anya bit her lip and says, "Jane, I'm so...... Janet cut her off by saying, "I was hoping you were calling me to check up on me. Only for you to yell at me about that day. I wanted to share with my older sister how I think I have found someone I think I love and how much Japan has changed since then, but I guess that's too much. Thanks for calling, sis, but I have to go to sleep. Good day." As Janet hung up, Anya shouts, "Wait, Jane!" As the call clicked, Anya dropped her phone and sobs. Anya says as she cries, "What have I done?! I'm so sorry, Jane."

As Janet hangs up, she lets the tears run down her face. She walks through her house to get to the bathroom but stops in the hallway of her home. She looks up at the calendar and goes to the day that the picnic with her parents. Although she also looks at a day in that same month and notice something says "Summer Trip." She remembers the trip she planned for her class. She smiles and wipes her tears away and says, "Well, at least I can find seeing my class and their smiling faces.

Meanwhile, Gohan and Piccolo's training

As they finished training, they both started drinking water. Gohan says, "So, you think Janet is the one? You seem so wrapped up in her. You almost couldn't focus today." Piccolo says, "Yet, you still lost." Gohan laughs nervously and scratches the back of his head. He says, "You have a point. But come on, Piccolo. I haven't seen you this happy since Pan was born. She does seem like a great woman, according to Videl and Pan's standards." Piccolo says, "Yeah, I think the same. She's so kind and accepting." Piccolo sighs. Gohan says, "Well, I'm glad. Come on, let's head back home. Videl should have food and something else for us."

As they fly back home, Gohan says, "So, do you think you'll marry her?" Piccolo blushes and shouts at him, "Of course not!" As he zooms away from Gohan. Gohan thinks, "Wow! He already has his mind on it." As they get to the house, Videl peeks out the window and says to herself, "This will be the most perfect than the date. Are you ready, Pan?" Pan giggles evily and says, "Yes, mama." Once they both came into the house, Videl says, "Hiya guys, Gohan, honey, can you go with Pan to her toy room?" Gohan says, "Of course." As Gohan gets pushed by Pan to her toy room, Videl asks Piccolo to join her in the kitchen.

As Piccolo sits in the kitchen, it gets a little quiet. Piccolo asked, "Videl, is something wrong?" Videl giggles and says, "Not at all, I just wanted to ask you something." Piccolo gets nervous. Videl puts a piece of paper on the table and shows it to Piccolo. He looks at it, and it looks like a permission form for a field trip. As Piccolo looks at it closer, it lists him as the grown-up that will accompany Pan on the trip. Once he puts the paper down, he sees Videl's pleading face. Piccolo growls, "What it is this? And why me?" Videl says, "Come on, Piccolo. This would be perfect for you and Pan. Pan always wanted to have you introduced to your class. This also works for you because you get to be with Janet again. You did admit you loved the date, so you have no choice but to go. Besides, Gohan has a seminar that day, and I have to teach a class that day and take my dad with me as well."

Piccolo gets annoyed but sighs. He says, "Fine!"

PS: Read Chapter Five after Chapter Four because, for some reason, Wattpad put my chapters out of order

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