Chapter 25: Quality Time with Piccolo

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Saturday Morning

Janet is standing in the kitchen, debating what to make for breakfast. She thought, "It has gotten cooler lately, so maybe something that brings out Autumn." So, she decided to make some Snickerdoodle Crumb Muffins.

" So, she decided to make some Snickerdoodle Crumb Muffins

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As she starts, she starts humming a Disney song. Meanwhile, upstairs, Piccolo is still asleep. As he sleeps, he starts tossing and turning. In his head, he is sparring with Nail and Kami. Nail says, "Well, you're getting better but still holding back. What's wrong? Janet's got you whipped?!" Piccolo starts attacking more aggressively. Kami says, "Well, Nail, it looks like you've gotten to him." As he takes them both on, Oboe shouts and says, "Piccolo, we need to talk!" Once he said that both Nail and Kami were able to sucker punch Piccolo. They both went blue in the face. Kami says, "Let's go!" As they vanished. Piccolo got up and said, "There better be a damn good reason why you interrupted my training?!" Oboe says, "Well, it's not like you're that strong." Piccolo says, "You bastard!" Oboe laughs and says, "Ha! serves you right for fighting me.' Piccolo growls. Nai walks up and knocks Oboe on the top of his head. As he did, Oboe had a bump swelling on his head as he crouched in pain. Nai says, "Sorry Piccolo, he's a moron. We have some news for you and Janet, but we wanted to talk with you first." 

Piccolo seems suspicious and says, "So, why do you want us to go?" Oboe says, "Well, it's not really for you, it's for Janet." Piccolo asked, "Why?" Oboe says, "Well, you were so worried about her wellbeing. If she goes to Namek, maybe the Grand Elder can pinpoint what might be wrong and figure out about her recent Namekian transformation and skills." Piccolo asked, "Why can't we go to Dende? He knows about this since he's the one who gave Janet the mark in the first place!" Once he said that, Dende felt a chill and said, "I feel like I'm in trouble." Oboe says, "You're lucky we are asking you, we did that out of respect for the woman." Nai slapped Oboe behind the head and he fell to his face with a giant bump on his head. Nai says, "Please Piccolo, we know Dende knows some things but if you want to know if she is doing well in the physical form, you know you need more help than him. But I want to ask, why are you so against her going?" Piccolo says, "I'm not, I just......sigh I'm just scared for her and I just don't how she will react. I also just don't want to get a harsh reminder of her being burdened with my lifestyle." Nai sighs and says, "You know, you're the only one who feels like that. Janet loves you and everything about you, so stop worrying and let yourselves be relaxed. Besides, take this as a vacation from Gohan and Videl's errands." Piccolo sighs and thinks, "If I can figure out if she's safe, I'll do anything." Nai says, "Well, we will give you a week to talk to each other and decide when you will come to Planet Namek." As he faded away. Piccolo walks downstairs and says, "Janet, we need to.... but he's stopped in his tracks by seeing his beloved dancing in the kitchen.

She starts singing, "Don't mess with my man, I'll be the one to break it to you. Here's a little advice for you, find your own man!" As she sways her hips back and forth, Piccolo starts blushing and thinks, "Why do I feel so hot and why is she so cute and sexy? WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?" As he hits his head against the wall, Janet is startled by the noise and looks behind her to see Piccolo with his face on the wall. Janet pauses the music and turns off her stove. She says, "Piccolo? Honey, are you okay?" Piccolo says, "I'm fine, just walked in on you. Sorry." She realized that she was dancing and started to blush. Her voice got panicked and high, "Oh! I'm so sorry you had to see that. When I'm happy, I just start moving and grooving. Sorry if it was inappropriate." As she covers her face, Piccolo walks over to her and says, "No! It's not like that! I just was caught off guard." Piccolo thinks, "I can't tell her it made me feel hot. That sounds so weird."  Piccolo uncovers her face and says, "Janet, I have to tell you something but we need to sit down and cool down." 

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