004. The Visit

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It's a quarter past midnight and Mia is barely getting home.

She didn't intend on getting home so late, but right as school ended, she and Bella drove around town for some "sightseeing." Eventually ending up at The Carver Cafe where they spent hours conversing about the most random things.

From the way the two were laughing and enjoying each other's company, no one would have thought they only just met this morning. With Mia's outgoing personality and Bella's introverted attitude, there was no explanation on their compatibility. They just simply matched each other to perfection that there was no other choice than just accept their unexpected friendship.

If it hadn't been for Cora letting them know it's closing time, the two would have spent all night talking with no intentions of getting to their designated homes. So with the pouring rain, they sprinted to Bella's truck and reluctantly left.

Soon arriving at Mia's street, she starts feeling uneasy when seeing all the lights of her house turned off. Her mother is usually in before eleven, so the fact that there appears to be no sign of her discomforts her.

"I thought your mom would be here," Bella points out and narrows her eyes towards the driveway when noticing no car is parked.

"She must probably be on her way," Mia discreetly glances down to her satchel where her wand is hidden, hoping she doesn't have to use it just yet.

"I'm coming in with you," Bella turns off the engine and places the hoodie of her parka over her head. There's no way she's about to let her friend go inside without making sure it's safe. She reaches for her glove compartment and grabs the can of pepper spray her dad gave her.

"Really? Pepper spray?" Mia smiles, shaking her head at the small can that she's never thought of using for a weapon. From always relying on her magic for protection, the thought of resorting to this chemical never crossed her mind until now. She knows better than accidentally using any spells on a possible intruder because that would mean the trace would reveal her whereabouts - something she's been warned about by her mother.

Bella nods as the tiniest bit of a smirk covers her face, "Better be safe than sorry."

Mia appreciates her concern, but if this feeling of unease is actually linked to possible death eaters, she can't have Bella around since they're known for not offering clemency to muggles. "Love that you're worried for me, but I'll be fine. I can take good care of myself."

She scoffs, a minimal chuckle escaping her lips, "That's funny because the last time I said that, I ended up with a broken arm."

Playfully rolling her eyes, Mia simply pulls her in for a hug and gets ready to hop out, "I'll be okay, Bells. I'll give a signal if anything is wrong."

With a pouty face, Bella decides to have faith in her and watches her jog to the front door. She stays still, almost as if fearing one wrong move would bring all hell to break loose. Her eyes remain glued onto Mia as her hand remains firmly locked to the pepper spray and door handle. The minutes seem eternal, unbearable to deal with until finally, Mia smiles at her and gives a thumbs up.

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