020. Clandestine Meetings

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✧warning: makeout scene

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warning: makeout scene

Mia has been kissed countless times, more than she'd like to admit.

This fact isn't anything new considering she was known as the most flirtatious person of her year back at Hogwarts. Well, at least until 4th year came around. Harry's name getting pulled out from the Goblet of Fire certainly complicated things as she became too focused on helping him with the tournament that her number of flings lowered to zero.

For the entire year, she had to deal with hearing about everyone getting coupled up while for the first time, she stood on the sidelines like a wallflower. It's not like she didn't enjoy having time for herself, because how can she not? She didn't have to worry about dealing with terrible makeout sessions, she didn't have to worry about making awkward conversation, and most importantly, she didn't have to worry about dealing with the aftermath of when she had to turn one of her flings down when they developed feelings for her.

Free from all the hassles that came with dalliances, it came as a surprise when 4th year turned out to be the best year of her life - if you subtract the whole Voldemort returning and Cedric dying thing. She couldn't deny that it was ideal that her old reputation got tossed out the window as it helped her come to terms that her hookups weren't the best (no offense to them). Sure she might have had her first kiss during 2nd year at a round of Spin the Bottle, but it wasn't until tonight that she actually had a real meaningful first kiss.

Now as she's here in New York with Edward, her world has settled back into its axis. The universe is running in her favor for once and all the complications and all the hardships, they're fading to the back of her mind as she can only focus on right now.

Mia can't remember when, but she and Edward are now slamming into the wall with an incredible force. His hands have found a way to the base of her hips, his hold squeezing the fabric like he's desperate to pry her clothing off. She entangles her arm around his neck to pull him in deeper and intensify the kiss even more. Her other hand rests at his waist, her nails digging at the hem of his shirt that mirrors the same necessity of wanting to remove everything off as well.

His fingers make their way under her shirt and she lets out a soft gasp. She's been dreaming about this for so long that her mind can't comprehend this is actually happening. Edward's known for being the guy who doesn't date 'cause apparently, no one is good enough for him, and now he's here, and it's taking everything not to freak out right now.

Her hands start gripping tighter onto him as her fingers trace the coolness of his skin that sends a thrill of adrenaline to pump through their veins. She's not exactly sure when, but now she's the one pushing him against the wall and hungrily pulling him closer through the collar of his shirt.

Edward presses his lips against her neck, placing love marks all around it that Mia's certain will get questioned about in the morning, but in all fairness, she doesn't give a damn. He traces his hand down to her back while the other starts sneaking its way to her waist. He kisses her like she's his lifeline, like he's acquiring a breath of fresh air after having been subdued to a life of pollution. He knows they need to break apart soon, but not a single nerve of his is daring to let her go.

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