007. Obliviate

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Mia is absolutely horrified.

Her hands are sinking deep into the soil and her knees are struggling to maintain balance as she stumbles back a few too many steps. She knows better than to panic at times like these, especially when there's bound to be not just one, but two ravenous vampires standing before her.

She hates how open she's being in displaying her fear because the last thing she wants is to make Edward feel terrible for scaring her. But how can she just ignore his pitch black eyes and the way he's snarling at the sight of blood? His hands are clenched and pressed tightly into aggravation while his posture resembles a lion about to hunt its prey. Anyone would be a fool in not fearing for their life, even if they wish to trust the person that's become the hunter.

Jessica keeps convulsing as her hand writhes in pain while reaching for her bloody neck. Her eyes are wide and filled with fear, simply staring at the darkness, while choking on the overbearing blaze of the venom running its transformation.

Maybe it's everything Mia's gone through. Perhaps it was dealing with evil since she was 11. All she knows is that she can't let this transformation happen. She can't have Jessica's life get turned upside down all because a vampire was unable to resist his urges.

She doesn't have a plan or a spell to help, but she does know one thing. If Edward's here, he can prove to be useful by helping her save Jessica instead of just standing there groveling in his impulses.

The sound of footsteps are getting nearer along with the overbearing chatters of curious spectators. Her heart pounds against her chest, her hands are trembling uncontrollably, and there's a terrible sensation at the pit of her stomach. She's seen transformations before and it may not have been a vampire one, but seeing Remus' gave her some insight on how painful and uncontrollable the change is. If it's anything like lycanthropy, vampirism will be anything but effortless and nonchalant.

Before she can even suggest an idea, Edward's already kneeling beside her. She stares in grand amazement with a tinge of unease. Mia's never been near a vampire before, let alone with one near the presence of blood. She knows better than standing too close to them out of fear they'll lose control and make her their next victim. Should she move away? Use some type of spell against him?

"I'm sorry for what you're about to see," Edward's voice is barely a whisper that it's hard to perceive who those words were intended for. He hates having to do what he has to with her right beside him. This is not the way he envisioned telling her, if he was ever planning to. He's afraid, terrified she'll cut ties with him and hate him for what he is. Just seeing the terror in her eyes when he was about to lose control shattered him to pieces. The last he wants is for her to be afraid of him, especially when she's been the only one to treat him like a person and not some spectacle.

Before Mia's able to register what's happening, she's met by the sight of his lips pressing into Jessica's hand. His brows are crinkled and his eyes are pressed together too tightly. He holds her wrist delicately yet also with aggression. Almost as if the action is sending a frenzy to overpower him.

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