027. Rising Tensions

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It's strange how one moment can change your entire life. Sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worst. It all depends on the circumstances and mentality, but in all fairness, there isn't a handbook to prepare you for instances such as discovering the person you believed to be dead turned out to be alive all this time and right in front of you.

Despite never getting along with him that well, the months after his death had been one of the darkest ones. The screams, the stares, the whispers, and the purple bruise on her cheek given by a frightened wizard wouldn't fade. All the isolation and loathing being received wasn't even the worst part.

It was the guilt.

Some of his Hufflepuff friends made sure to scold her for attending his funeral, claiming she had no business attending when all they did was argue. Not just that. They resorted to using her name against her and demanding she stays far from them since the darkness would grab ahold of her. In their closed off minds, they believed if the Dark Lord was back, that would signify she would become a part of his army.

Any connection to her would be a death sentence, so rejection became her consolation prize.

Now that she knows he's alive (well, sort of), she's not entirely sure how to handle the situation. It's been hard taking everything in and although she's glad he's alive, it leaves her astounded on how another person survived the killing curse.

Maybe she's being too hopeful about her puzzling future, but a part of her wonders if this survival streak could be something she becomes a part of. Dying at her father's hands is very likely that she often spends late hours of the night pondering all the possibilities where the universe could grant her some kind of alleviation.

There's just something about this rare percent that gives her hope, which is unfamiliar territory for her. With everything that's occurred these past few years, she's learned to expect disappointment so that way, she'll never be disappointed. It's not the healthiest mentality, but hey, it's been working so far.

Well, at least until now.

"How are you doing with everything?" Mia trails after Edward as both of them climb down a couple boulders to get a better view of the lake.

This past week, it's been hectic not just for her, but for him as well. For starters, he hasn't spoken to Carlisle after confronting him. He's been staying in Mia's room (without her mother knowing, of course). She's noticed him being extremely pensive lately and she can tell he's trying to force his memories to return.

It's upsetting seeing him this distressed that she feels useless not knowing how to help. She wishes there was some kind of spell to help him, but the brain is one of the greatest mysteries that not even magic can decipher. It seems time is the only possible solution for this, which he definitely has a lot of.

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