036. We'll Always Have That Summer

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"I have an idea."

A sentence like this is usually the first sign of a storm about to impact, but Mia's absolutely certain this will result in the greatest outcome. Others might disagree, but for the first time, she's definite nothing wrong will emerge from this.

"Mia, it's six in the morning," Bella rubs her eyes in an attempt to awaken herself, but her exhaustion is threatening to win this round.

"Congratulations. You know how to tell time," she nonchalantly says while climbing through her window. Two bats are swung behind her shoulder while on her other arm, her bag is hanging loosely, which definitely catches Bella's attention.

"Aren't you grounded? I mean, your mom is going to freak out," Bella shuts the window in an instant, unable to peel her eyes away from the worn down bats. Whatever idea she has, she knows it can't be anything good.

"I snuck out," Mia says as if it's the most normal thing. It's not like sneaking out will affect her much considering she's done worse, but that's the last thing on her mind now. "Get ready so we can go somewhere special."

She narrows her eyes at her suspiciously, "I'm going to need more information, like, if what we're doing is illegal."

Mia laughs as if she had said the funniest thing. "Are you forgetting your dad is a cop and that he's dating my mother? We're technically bulletproof, so don't worry about getting in trouble with your old man."

Bella's still unsure about this, but she can tell this is something her friend needs – a distraction. After last week's outburst, it's obvious she's hurting and her outlet has been through anger. If going through with whatever idea she has up her sleeve is the way to keep her out of trouble, then she's following her through anything.

"Give me ten minutes," she simply says, causing Mia to smile and hold her in tight embrace.

"Yes! This is why I love you," Mia heads back to the window and begins climbing out, taking Bella off guard.

"What are you doing?"

She stares at her with a deadpan look, "I'm waiting for you in your truck. What does it look like I'm doing?"

Bella furrows her brows, unsure how she's getting in when her keys are downstairs. "But it's locked. You can't get inside."

"Are you forgetting I have magic? Unlocking doors is the easiest spell in the book," Mia grips onto her bag tighter and Bella could swear there's a bottle inside it based on its shape. "Now hurry up, Bells."

She climbs out the window and lands swiftly in the parched grass. She glances up to make sure Bella isn't looking and pulls out a bottle of liquor that she stole from her mother's cabinet. It's halfway empty, but it doesn't stop her from swallowing the bitter contents in a giant gulp. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, allowing the acidic beverage to become a part of her and let its effect run its course.

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