005. Kate Bush or The Cure?

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Mia hasn't stopped thinking about Remus' visit.

Knowing any magic usage will lead them to her makes her afraid of making the smallest mistake. It's been hard moving to this small town and even if it's taken her some time, she's starting to get used to this place. She loves the gloomy atmosphere and loves how constant the rain is. Riding her bike to school has been one of her favorite times as it allows her to admire the scenery and take up every breath of fresh air. Forks is growing on her and the thought of moving again if she were to mess it up makes her unwilling to use her magic for anything or for anyone.

She always used to carry her wand everywhere. Whether it'd be hidden in her satchel, on her coat's inner pocket, behind her tall boots, or even in her belt loop, she's never left the house without it. There's all kinds of dangers in this world and not just supernatural wise, so it seemed wise to have it on her at all times, but magic kept calling out to her. It kept begging her to use it at least one time and the temptation was starting to kill her.

If word about her whereabouts became known, temptation would be her greatest enemy, so now Mia's chosen to leave her wand at home and even locked it away in her trunk with the rest of her spell books and Hogwarts' robe. This would be good. This would be helpful and would certainly not be her greatest mistake. Well, that's what she hopes.

Currently, Mia is sitting at the very back of the classroom next to Mike. She's resting her head against her arm as she struggles in keeping her eyelids open. Mr. Berty has put on the most recent reinstallment of Pride and Prejudice and as much as she loves Austen's work, she can't help but start dozing off.

Mike keeps trying to make some conversation and whispers some incoherent things that she can't bother to try to decipher. It's clear she wants to sleep, so why can't he get the hint that she's not in the mood to chat?

She plops her elbows on the table and rests her chin on her hands, not bothering to listen to his words. After a few torturous minutes, she concludes napping isn't possible and watching the film will have to make do. She starts focusing on the screen and starts awakening herself, but that's when the door suddenly bursts open and causes everyone to turn their heads.

Edward walks in with a rather disheveled appearance. His bronzy hair and gray peacoat are dripping wet and he appears to be disgruntled at being here. She gazes over at him and notices his eyes are pitch black. Quite unusual considering she's certain of them being golden yesterday. She knows better than to dwell on her suspicions, so instead, she dismisses it as their color being linked to contacts - even if she's certain that's not really the case.

He hands Mr. Berty a tardy pass and makes his way past the gawking students. His posture is slightly hunched and his expression is filled with uneasiness. He glances in her direction, training his eyes on hers, and Mia swears her heart did a somersault. Despite his distressed expression, he manages to nod in greeting at her with a soft hidden smile tugging at his lips.

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