039. Familiar Face

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Mia has read the same grimoire over and over in hopes of finding a possible explanation as to why she's struggling to use her magic. Her headaches have gotten significantly worse and casting spells has gotten harder. Whenever she gets remotely close, she ends up extremely weaker to the point she passes out.

It's an everyday occurrence to head to the attic for research. Despite spending late hours of the night reading the same text, no answers have been found. She's left further in the dark and it's worrying her not knowing how to prevent this from becoming worse.

The most important part of herself is fading and if she ever were to lose her magic, she would be nothing more than ordinary. She'd become a floater amongst the crowd, an insignificant bypasser, and someone meant to be casted into oblivion. Losing her powers would be the beginning of the end and while there are greater problems in the world, she can't bother feigning any care at the moment.

It's getting darker and Mia's struggling to keep her eyelids open. Not getting much sleep thanks to her nightmares has left her weary to the point not even energy drinks or coffee are enough. She knows it'd probably be best to just face the night, but she's terrified of seeing her father and Edward again.

If she stays awake, she won't see them.

Now with her mother working late at the station, Mia takes advantage of looking through her spell books. She flips through the pages and reads over the same words, but nothing is enough to ease the turmoil in her mind.

Instinctively, Mia reaches for her necklace – the one Edward had gifted her for her birthday. She feels pathetic for continuing to wear it, but her damned heart insists on holding on to it. In spite of everything he said, she still loves him, but she also hates him. It's such a strange combination that leaves her confused on how these feelings could be felt at the same time.

If anything, she would rather feel nothing but hatred for him, but those months of happiness make it harder to forget. It wasn't real to him, but it was real to her. If she had known their relationship would have ended in betrayal, maybe she would have chosen a different path, but deep inside, she knows it wouldn't make a difference.

She fell for him quicker than falling asleep and she hates herself for it. Letting her guard down had been her destruction. Just take a look at her now. She could possibly lose her magic and there's nothing she can do to prevent it.

Sighing heavily, Mia clutches onto the necklace tighter and without thinking, she removes it from her neck and tosses it across the attic. The metal clinks against the floor and a part of her is tempted to go after it, but she shuts that part down. She's not allowing herself to cave to these feelings anymore. She needs to move on, but the thing is, she's not certain if she'd be able to.

Just as she begins returning to her research, banging on her front door disrupts her attention. She heads downstairs and looks through the peephole, not expecting to see a distraught Bella standing under the pouring rain. Wasting no time, she ushers her in and pulls her in for an embrace when seeing her downcast expression. "What happened, Bells?"

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