017. Consequences

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It has been said that companionable silence is the best kind. There's mutual understanding and solace offered between both parties that speaking doesn't need to happen in order to know what the other is thinking. This silence could last for minutes, hours even, and not a single trace of awkwardness could become present.

Mia used to believe this, but sitting here in Edward's Volvo with Bella in the backseat has proven her wrong. They've been quiet for what seems to be an eternity and their minds can't stop running a million thoughts (all of them are about the unexpected visitors). She knew using her magic would lead them to her, but she never thought it would happen this soon and involve one of her closest friends.

All of her mother's attempts at keeping her safe had been in vain. Obliviating Bella turned out to have been useless since now the poor girl has gotten involved in this chaotic mess. Two dark wizards know about her and now a vampire as well. Making her forget won't solve anything this time. If anything, it would be signing her death sentence. Keeping her in the dark would be more dangerous than knowing and she'd be damned if she allows anything to happen to her.

"I get it now," Bella finally speaks up while bobbing her foot vigorously. "It's no wonder you guys are good friends. You have a lot in common and have been keeping each other's secrets all this time. It all makes sense now."

Mia internally winces from not wanting their secrets to be the only thing that brought them together. She would like to believe that it was more than that and getting to know about their hopes, dreams, and overall, spending time together is what brought them closer.

"I- I promise I will never tell anyone," Bella stutters all too nervously. Her words are slow and shaky, almost as if she's afraid of not being believed. "You guys saved my life, so it's the least I can do."

She hums in response despite knowing words are what's needed, but flashes of the battle keep coming back to her. The feeling of the curse still lingers in her system, causing her to shutter at the memory and the fact that it happened at the hands of the other person she despises most.

"When did you guys learn about each other's secrets?"

Sensing Mia's reluctance in speaking, Edward decides to take the lead, "Halloween. The attack Jessica went through, it wasn't an animal that did it, but a vampire."

Mia exhales sharply and runs her hands through her hair before turning around, "And yes, vampires were the ones that attacked Waylon as well."

Bella remains strangely calm and it surprises Mia considering she expected a much greater reaction. If anything, she expected her to be hysteric and doing more than just asking a few questions. Everything is being taken with a grain of salt, which makes her grateful, but also leaves a sour taste behind.

"Maybe Forks isn't as boring as I thought," the Swan girl says in a low voice.

She laughs, more out of sarcasm than humor, "That's another way to describe it."

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