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Mia Grey had always been the blaze in a pot of gold. She was the sunshine peeking through the clouds, the warmth of a campfire on a wintry night, and the guiding candle to a dismal path. But just like any candle, it's bound to burn out and consume itself until complete obscurity.

For as long as she can remember, Mia had always wanted to be perfect. Having to live under the shadow of her deadbeat father, she sought for an escape of the torturous similitudes. It was unbearable being compared to the man who abandoned her the second she was born, so why would anyone think it's proper to suggest such resemblance?

And it's not like their comparisons were anything good. Whenever anyone learns she's a Grey, their expressions falter into nothing but pure anguish and unease. What's in a name wasn't just a line from a tragic Shakespeare play, but it had now become the trap of her short lived life.

With the weight of being a Grey, a friendless and depressing life had been anticipated, but on that surprisingly warm September 1st of 1991, a boy with an oversized flannel and round glasses handed her an invitation on a silver platter. The boy who lived had become the first of many drops before the storm came crashing down.

The brave Gryffindor and the cunning Slytherin had become inseparable since day one. Not even their differing houses prevented their friendship from blossoming into a bond that would never become lost. They understood each other better than anyone, knowing the legacy behind their name will always follow them no matter how hard they tried to escape it.

Well, it's not like the Potter and Grey name had the same reputation. One was held on a high pedestal while the other had been condemned to a life of misery. Different legacies, different predicaments, different expectations.

Half the wizarding world feared her while the other respected her. Her world had become divided, less willing to accept her without any assumptions despite her constant struggle for approval. Everyone's minds had already been made, so there was no use in fighting for the impossible.

It wasn't until Mia's third year during one of her patronus lessons when she got the courage to demand for answers, in which Lupin had been reluctant, but eventually decided to reveal. Turns out, everyone's worries and fears had been justified when learning her father had been one of the Dark Lord's most loyal followers.

The entirety of the wizarding world was anticipating the day for when she would follow in his footsteps. Everyone believed the worst of her, simply fearing when the young Grey would snap and become the cause for the second war. It seemed her father didn't just leave her with a trail of trust and anger issues, he was now drowning her with the mistakes of his past.

With everyone expecting the worst of her, Mia thought of it to be useless to try and prove herself. She didn't intend to waste her time proving she's nothing like her father when everyone's minds had already been made. Working for their acceptance would be in vain so instead, she might as well use her name for her benefit.

If she couldn't be loved, then she might as well be feared.

As the time went on, fourth year eventually came around. With Harry having been forced to participate in the Triwizard tournament, her complicated relationship with the boastful Cedric Diggory only seemed to escalate.

And not for the better.

The two of them never saw eye to eye with each other. It wasn't because he was older or because of their differing houses. It was the fact that she was Slytherin's seeker and he was Hufflepuff's. Their competitive personas seemed to clash through every interaction, each refusing to contend to the other by settling into a never ending strife.

They would interrupt their Quidditch practices just to parade their skills and ruin the other's mood. From believing they were better than each other, their competition only worsened during the tournament.

Even when the Hufflepuff helped Harry for the second task, their continuous feuding never seemed to ease. So it came as a surprise when Dumbledore chose Mia to be the one Cedric must rescue at the Black Lake. His save landed him in first place, much to Mia's dismay who would have preferred to drown instead.

Just before the third and final task, the arguing pair made a bet with each other. If Cedric were to win the tournament, Mia would have to surrender and admit he's a much better seeker than she is. If Harry won, Cedric would do the same and would have to throw a party in Harry's honor.

Only their bet never saw the day of light.

That warm June 24th had been the last the world would ever see the bright Hufflepuff alive. Cedric Diggory had died at the hands of one of the Dark Lord's followers, signifying Voldemort's official return.

All eyes were back on her and the boy who lived, making those summer months one of the darkest times.

Death eaters kept trying to recruit her because of her father. Everywhere she went, they would somehow find her. Not even the comfort of her home kept her safe, which left her mother with no other choice than to relocate to the small town of Forks, Washington.

Mia had been reluctant to leave. She felt like she was abandoning her friends just for the sake of her safety. Her wellbeing had become the last thing on her mind and especially now that Voldemort was not just after her, but was also after Harry, she felt like it was her duty to protect him. But being sought after like a reward made it harder to convince her mother that staying would be the right decision.

Now Mia was starting a new life in the Olympic Peninsula. Her hope that things would resolve themselves back home was the only thing keeping her from running back. She knew how hard it was for her mother to leave everything behind, so she had to make this move worth something. Constantly complaining wouldn't do anyone any good so her emotions had to be placed aside.

A small town like this would be a great start. It was safe, quiet, and oblivious to the hidden mysteries of the world.

If only she knew that Forks, Washington had a secret lurking in the shadows. One with the name of Edward Cullen.

Author's Note

Just a short introduction, but it's finally been uploaded!

I'm not sure what my updating schedule will be like since I have finals going on, but I'll try to get the first chapter out soon.

Not to self promo, but if you'd like, you can go read my Steve Harrington fic, Time After Time.

Anyway, hope you guys like the story <3

Anyway, hope you guys like the story <3

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