030. Silence Lay Steadily

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"There's no other choice," Remus' loud voice fills the astronomy tower and combines with the bellowing thunder. "You need to accept this punishment."

Mia refuses to accept the repercussions. She merely defended herself and her friends from the insults and mockery. It's not like she committed a crime against nature.

"You have to accept the suspension or else you could be expelled."

She scoffs in disbelief, "And what about him? Will he also receive a punishment?"

"He will be dealt with, but I don't care about him," Remus takes a couple steps forward in a calm way as if not to agitate her much more. "You petrified a guard for trying to break you off him. You were hurting Malfoy with no intention of stopping."

"Malfoy is more than alright. I barely touched him," she argues, but her bruised knuckles tell a different story.

Remus chuckles dryly and shakes his head in disbelief, "You broke his nose and arm and threatened to do worse to anyone if they intervened! Now they're all afraid of you!"

"Then let them be afraid!"

He looks at her as if she were a glass about to shatter, as if a grenade had been placed inside her and is bound to explode at any second. She's ashamed for making him so disappointed, but she's not willing to apologize for her words when they're nothing but the truth.

"They all think the worst of me," she averts her gaze to the exterior view of the tower, looking out onto the stormy waters and darkened skies. "I'm considered nothing but a danger because of my name. They see a death eater in me, so excuse me for being tired of trying to earn their respect."

"And by attempting to run away, would that have granted it?"

She wonders how he knew since it had been a secret between her and Cedric. He promised not to tell anyone, but it seems putting her trust in him had been in vain. Serves her right for being so foolish.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Mia heads to the tower's exit, but he manages to block her path. "Let me go."

"Don't pretend to be crass. You know exactly what I'm referring to."

"I have to head to class-"

Remus cuts her off, "You have been excused for the rest of the day, so you're not going anywhere."

Mia's patience starts to wear off as she can't fathom having this conversation any longer. She's aware that she's losing control and is slowly diving into her darkness, but if she admits it outloud, it would mean everyone had been right about her.

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