003. The Golden Onion

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Walking alongside each other, Mia and Bella head to their next class, which happens to be biology.

Mike trails after them as he continues mentioning his interest in seeing some action movie that he claims will be considered a classic in the future. It's not like Mia doesn't notice the subtle hints he's dropping of how much he wishes to suggest going together. Something she's not willing to do just to try and avoid drama with Jessica.

"Ms. Grey and Ms. Swan, welcome to Forks High School," Mr. Molina hands them their textbook and necessary materials, barely looking up from the class notes scattered throughout his desk.

Glancing towards the room, Mia notices Edward sitting in the middle row by himself. He's looking down at his notebook, his forehead creasing in concentration as his hand glides against the pages in a swift stroke. His bronze locks are a lighter shade from the minimal light reflecting from the windows, creating a golden color that matches the caramel in his eyes.

Like a siren's song luring sailors to the abyss of the sea, her presence is more than enough to draw him in. The amber hues in her eyes sparkle like stars in an empty night, the curvatures of her lips debate on offering a smile or remaining neutral. She tucks a lock of her chestnut hair behind her ear, revealing her earrings in the shape of lightning bolts. Her hands are gentle, like an angelic stroke brushing the corners of the faded textbook in her grasp.

"There's a seat next to Mike and one next to Edward," Mr. Molina turns towards the whiteboard, a sign for the class to get ready for the lesson to start.

Mike excitedly waves his hand in the air in hopes of getting Mia's attention. Only Bella thought it was for her, making her head towards the seat next to him. His smile fades ever so slightly as he continues peering in Mia's direction, watching how she heads to the empty spot next to Edward.

"And so we meet again," Edward tells her before she even gets a chance to sit down.

"Damn," she playfully rolls her eyes, sinking to her seat before plotting her elbows on the table. "How unfortunate, ghosty."

He laughs lightly, the sound of it resembling an orchestral melody. "So I finally figured out your name..." he trails off into a perfect silence, almost like he's pausing for dramatic effect. "Mia Grey."

Her name flows out perfectly, resembling a missing puzzle piece finding its way to its rightful place. His voice dances along the symmetry of the seven letters, forming a golden thread that alleviates the complexity of the labyrinth in her given legacy.

"Looks like someone did their homework." Clapping her hands lightly in more of a sarcastic way than celebratory, Mia tries moving past the whole him resembling a dead classmate thing. "Told you you'd learn it."

"You will separate and label the phases of mitosis," Mr. Molina begins instructing the lab, "The first partners who get it right are going to win the golden onion." Just as he holds it up to showcase, the entire class erupts into a fit of complaints.

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