038. Friday Night Lights

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Whenever a fire is occurring or a car is speeding your way, the first instinct is to run in the opposite direction. Fear of the worst and the desperation in surviving is what keeps us safe, but what happens when the mind stops perceiving what's real and what's not?

Often, trauma is dismissed as something that can be slept off. Maybe taking a few days off from work or school or maybe taking a walk, but it's never the case. Trauma is felt all around, infesting the mind and body with the pain and memories of its cause. It circulates through the blood and pretends to disappear, but all it takes is just one seemingly common thing to resurface it.

The smallest of things - the smell of alcohol, a song in the grocery store, a soft whisper - the everyday occurrences can convince the body that it's in danger.

And Mia's become a victim to such.

As she lays in her bed staring at the ceiling, the rain clattering against her window sends her back to that night. It was raining when Dimitri ambushed her and forced her into the lake. She clutches tightly onto the covers and attempts to fade the noise, but everything is becoming louder through every minute.

Dimitri isn't here. He's hiding somewhere far from her and probably believes she's dead. The last he knows is that he had succeeded in drowning her, but Edward's unlikely save granted her a second chance, but after Halloween's attack, she's not certain anymore.

I'm not in the lake. Dimitri isn't here. You're safe. You're in bed and you're no longer in danger.

Mia repeats those words as if they were a prayer. She hopes that whatever holy divine exists will save her from this endless torture, but the rain is getting louder and insisting that she's back at the lake.

In the corner of her room, she notices the familiar silhouette of her father watching her. He's hiding in the shadows like a predator hunting its prey, and for the first time, Mia starts believing there's a chance she's losing her mind.

"What are you doing here?" Her voice is barely a breath, but her father hears her clearly.

"I'm here for you, darling," Dimitri voices from the corner, the lightning casting a slight shadow on his face, but even then, she can see him clearer as day.

Mia refuses to believe this is actually real. Her father couldn't possibly be in her room since Isobel made sure to cast protective charms around the house. It's impossible to get inside without permission, so this must surely just be a dream.

"You're not real," she shakes her head, clutching tighter onto the sheets like a frightened child. "This is just a dream."

As if her words had been an offense, Dimitri walks out of the shadows. There's a scar above his brow, the one she had caused. It's a reminder of that night and while she has various scars on her abdomen, his is nothing compared to the damage she was left with.

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