014. Greenhouse Blues

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It was common knowledge that Mia had never been a firm believer of second chances.

She believed once trust was broken, it certainly meant it would get broken for a second time. No amount of words would suffice as only actions counted, but even then, the golden string had been ruptured and unable to be mended. Maybe it's a terrible way of thinking, but second chances aren't something she easily gives or takes very well. If she's willing to offer another chance, that person must be extremely important and worthy of holding the key to her heart.

It might sound like she's being a hypocrite, but Isobel casting the obliviate charm on Bella had been a much needed second chance. It's an opportunity to make things right and protect her secret better than all the other times. She would be careful when to use her magic – if she ever does again – and would instead focus her energy on just enjoying her time in this silly little town that is turning out more interesting than she thought.

Now as she and Bella are conversing by her truck, she can't help feeling utterly grateful for this second chance. It's strange listening to Bella speak like nothing has happened – especially as for the first time, the mention of the legends aren't being discussed like some sermon. It's refreshing getting a break from the supernatural and now with a second chance, it's remarkable finally acquiring some normalcy for once.

While leaning against the truck's door, she's unable to prevent looking over at Edward walking alongside Alice and Jasper. He's wearing his usual gray peacoat and sporting that dazzling smile. He walks with a disciplined poise, appearing as if his footsteps are floating. Even with the distance, her composure is unable to be kept just by seeing him.

"Look at you!" Mike disrupts her line of sight by standing in front of her and Bella. He smiles at them with excitement and flails his hands up, "You're both alive!"

"Great observation," Mia says through a forced smile.

"It was a false alarm, I guess," Bella adds as her hands start fidgeting with her backpack's straps.

"So, Mia, I've been wanting to ask you," Mike rubs the back of his neck nervously and looks down at the ground. She already knows where he's going with this, but she seriously hopes that's not the case. "I- I was wondering if maybe you would - you would like to go to the dance... with me?"

She's about to politely reject him, but suddenly gets sidetracked when noticing Edward looking their way. His expression is filled with vexation and his fists and jaw are clenched. She tries focusing back on Mike, but the magnetism between them is making it harder to do so.

"So, do you want to go to the dance..." Mike continues, hoping her silence is linked to her actually giving some thought to it. "With me?"

Her gaze softens once she turns to him, "Oh, well, you're actually too late in asking me. I'm going with someone else."

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