011. The Lakes

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Tick tock...

An unnerving ambience surrounds her, filling her with despair as she tries making sense of it. She opens her eyes and leans forward, not understanding why her once safe haven felt like a dungeon. Everything appears normal, but something's off. It's such an indescribable feeling that can only be understood when present.

Tick tock...

The sound of the clock rings in her ears, resembling the blaze of hot irons. Carefully, she moves to the edge of the bed. Her feet dangle for mere seconds before the feeling of the cold flooring sends a chill through the bone. She takes diligent steps towards the door, but as her hand lays on the knob, she suddenly hears a low splash.

A few seconds after, muffled cries are heard. She becomes filled with fear, trepidation, unease, and turning around will make everything real. Something is definitely off, but what she doesn't understand is why this is happening. Everything had been normal when she went to sleep, so what changed?

Another splashing sound is heard and this time, she allows herself to turn around. When she faces her bedroom, she's bewildered when seeing everything drowning in water. From above the shore, there's the recognition that it's dusk and the muffled cries are linked to the girl in dark clothing struggling to swim up.

Slowly, Mia strides forward. She's unsure of what to do or if she should even attempt to do anything, but she feels drawn to the sight. Something is telling her this appearance isn't worth ignoring. Running wouldn't do anything, so with careful and calculated steps, she climbs up her bed. Her hand begins rising in the direction of the girl, hoping to offer some aid. She's nearly there, so close to her. Her fingertips are just centimeters from hers until finally, they connect.

Like an electric shock had been transferred, Mia is suddenly falling. She flails her hands, her legs, her body, everything, in an attempt to steady herself. The girl turns around and when seeing her face, Mia's overcome with anguish and perplexion.

The girl she tried saving is her.

She doesn't understand how this is possible or why it's happening. She knows this is a dream, but never in her sixteen years of life has she had this type of dream before. Not one that drowns her with unease and pure terror. She shuts her eyes with force, hoping such action would awaken her, but when hearing the water splashing and the muffled cries, she knows she's trapped.

In a grating collision, the harsh impact of the ground knocks the air from her. Her hands start feeling the flooring underneath her, but there's something strange. This isn't the soft wooden floors from her bedroom. This isn't anything belonging to the indoors. If anything, this is a piece from the exterior. She sits forward and with her hands still clung to the ground, she moves them to her face.

Grass and dirt are clinging onto her nails, becoming drenched from the sudden storm. She glances up, noticing she's no longer in a familiar place, but is where what appears to be in the middle of the forest.

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