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Edward's frantic yells shake the trees and become one with the breeze. His footsteps are loud and heavy as he runs in every direction. He knows it's impossible, but he searches for her thoughts hoping he'd be able to find any sign that she's safe and sound. When hearing nothing but the thunder and raindrops, his distress intensifies as the fear she's lost in the woods comes to mind.


Her father had taken her and with everything she's told him, he's afraid he might have done something to her. That he forced her into getting the mark, or worse, that he killed her after she refused to get it.

He continues running, his head continuously whipping back and forth as the trepidation threatens to consume him. He needs to know if she's safe, if she's alive, and the sudden thought that she isn't takes over.

If she was alright, she would have found a way back home. She would have sent a sign or used her magic to alert him of her whereabouts. Her silence is an indication that something happened and it's killing him being kept in the dark.

Mia Grey is the air he breathes, his sole reason for existing, his guidance, his light at the end of tunnel, and without her, there's nothing left. If she's gone, he wouldn't bear continuing to live in a world without her.

"Mia!" His voice is breaking and tremulous as he runs deeper into the forest. The silence, the unknown, the anguish, is the worst pain imaginable. Transforming into a vampire had been nothing as he can't imagine anything worse than not knowing if the girl he loves is still alive. "Mia, please! If you're out there, please answer me!"

Edward comes to an abrupt stop to listen for any sounds. He waits and waits, but the thunder from the skies insist on mocking him in making him believe their rumble is a signal of her wellbeing.

He curses the heavens for being unfair to her, for having made the worst imaginable man her father, and for forcing her into fighting a battle she shouldn't have to. She deserves all the great things this world has to offer, and he would forever curse the universe if anything were to happen to her.

"You're okay. You're okay," Edward grasps onto his hair, the rain trickling down his face and creating a landslide underneath him. His chest heaves uncontrollably as he struggles to maintain his thread of composure intact. "You have to be. You have to be okay."

Inexplicably, he began deliberating on various ways to join her if she was already gone. There's so many options humans have to choose from and it's frustrating having to resort to only one because of what he is.

Traveling to Italy would have to suffice, but convincing the sadistic coven of obliterating him will be harder. Maybe he can insult them, plead his case – no. To acquire a 'yes,' he knows provoking them is the solution. No second chances would be offered and it'd be a direct stairway to the afterlife, to her, and that's all that matters.

The Great War | Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now