Chapter 1

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Warning: This book contained mature themes such as the main character dealing with an asshole/abusive boyfriend situation as well as smut!

"What can I get for you?" I ask as a tall, attractive man sits down at the bar. "Whiskey. Neat." He says, pulling off his jacket and setting it on the back of the barstool and then taking off his Boston Red Sox cap, setting it down on the bar top next to him. I watch as he runs his fingers through his fluffy brown hair.

"Rough day?" I question, preparing the drink.

"Rough year. Looking to start the New Year off better." I smile at him and set the drink down on a napkin in front of him.

"Well, I hope the upcoming new year works out for you...."

"Andy." He says and gives me a soft smile. "Aurora. So are you new here Andy?" I asked.

"Yea. Moved about two months ago from Massachusetts and just got settled. Needed a fresh start." He replied with a soft smile. "Well, I hope you get your fresh start. Let me know if I can get you anything else or if you'd like to see a food menu." He nods and looks towards the door where a loud group of college students walk in.

"Sorry, college is right down the street. Thursday is bar night." I look over at the group of guys and spot my boyfriend, Nate. I smile at him and he leaves the group of guys, coming up to the bar. Nate is 6'4 so leaning over the bar is no problem for him. He leans over, giving me a quick kiss, "Hey baby. Get me a round of drinks?" "Corona or Bud Light tonight?" He smiles, "You're choice." He winks at me and walks back to his group of fraternity brothers.

I quickly gather about 8 Bud Light bottles and walk over to the table they sat at, setting the tray down. They each take one, one by one. "Any apps guys?" I give them my best fake smile as Nate wraps an arm protectively around my waist. "Two baskets of French fries." Nate's friend Brian smirks at me. I pull myself away from Nate and walk towards the bar, placing their order.

A few hours later, the bar really fills in with more college students and Nate and his friends start to get rowdy. "Can I top that off for you?" I ask Andy. He smiles and give me a small nod. "You think they'd be more courteous to other people in the bar." He mumbles as I top off his drink. I laugh slightly and give him a big smile, "Hell would literally be frozen over the day that happens." He lets out a small laugh before taking another sip of his whiskey.

"Hey! Rora! Stop flirting with old men for money and bring your sweet ass over to me with another round." Nate yells, across the bar. I roll my eyes and huff before grabbing another round of beers and taking them to the table. "If you guys don't stop yelling, Jim says he'll throw you out." Brian scoffs and takes a beer off of my tray, "Jim won't do shit. Keep the beers flowing sleeping beauty."

Nate pulls me in between his legs and slips his hands into the back pockets of my black jeans, grabbing my ass. He rests his head on my chest and places a small kiss on top of my black tank top. "Nate I'm working." I whisper and he gives my ass a squeeze. "Yea? What about me? Gonna work me later?" He looks up at me with his signature smirk and I roll my eyes. "Hey." He lowers his voice and glares at me. "Nate. Working." He scoffs and lets go. I turn around to walk away and feel him slap my ass as I walk back behind the bar.

"Charming." Andy mumbles, drink against his lips.

I huff and look at him, "you have no idea."

Andy downs the rest of his drink and pulls out his wallet, leaving a $100 bill on the counter, "keep the change." He gives me one last smile before gathering his stuff and walking out of the bar.

The rest of the night goes well...besides Nate and his friends being obnoxious...and I'm getting ready to close out my shift. "Mel? You good?" She smiles and nods at me. I grab my tips and walk over to Nate. "I'm headed back." "No, stay." He grips my hips and pulls me down into his lap. "Nate. I'm tired and I want to go home." I whisper. "You'll go home when I say you go home. Stop being a whiny brat." He growls in my ear, gripping my hips tighter. "Ow, Nate." I whisper. His grip lessens and I lean back against him.

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