Chapter 33

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"Take a few deep breaths." I said, encouraging my dad as we waited in the little white chapel for Nancy to put on the wedding dress she bought with me the other day. It was a great chance for me to get to know Nancy one on one. She ended up picking out a beautiful dress that I knew my dad would love. He'd love her anyway though. And while we were out, that gave my dad and Andy quality one on one time, with Nancy's son's. They all went to the casino for some gambling and drinks.

"I've never been so nervous." He said, shaking his hands. "She loves you dad. And you look handsome." I said, placing my hand on his arm. "Thank you, princess. I'm so happy you're here." "I'm happy to be here." I said with a smile.

"Hey, she's ready." Hayden said, walking up to my dad and I. I winked at him and took my seat next to Andy. He gave me a quick kiss on his cheek as Brandon and Hayden took their seats. Soon, Elvis appeared, and stood at the end of the aisle with my dad. It wasn't a traditional Vegas wedding without Elvis. The music changed slightly and we all turned to see Nancy, dressed in a beautiful dress, walking down the aisle and towards my dad. My dad's face lit up the minute he laid eyes on her. He was so in love. Nancy was looking back at him as she walked down the aisle, with the same look of love on her face. I was happy they found each other. Once she reached the end, my dad took her hands in his and Elvis began the ceremony.

It was beautiful watching my dad and Nancy get married and exchange their vows. Through the entire thing, I couldn't help but grow more and more excited to marry Andy. He was the best thing that ever happened to me, and I wanted to have the kind of love Nancy and my father had. And I found that in Andy for sure.

Andy looked over at me and smiled, giving my hand a squeeze. I mouthed 'love you' at him and he mouthed it back before we turned our attention back to my dad.

Once they sealed their vows with a kiss, we collectively cheered as my dad held up Nancy's hand. I was first to them, pulling both into a group hug. "I'm so happy for you both." I whispered. My dad kissed my cheek and shook Andy, Hayden, and Brandon's hands. "Congrats, mom." Hayden said, pulling his mom into a hug.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice. I couldn't imagine this day without you guys." Nancy said, some tears falling down her face. My dad took his thumb and wiped them quickly before giving her a kiss.

"What do you say we go celebrate with some drinks and casino games! Except you, princess. Water only for you." My dad said. I rolled my eyes but smiled as we walked out of the little white chapel and took a bunch of pictures before making our way back to Caesar's Palace. Andy kept my hand in his tightly as we walked back.

"I'm not going to disappear, Andy." I said, looking up at him. "I don't plan on taking any chances, sweetheart." He said, giving me a smile and a kiss on the head. We made our way into Caesar's Palace and my dad got everyone's drink order before wandering off to the bar.

"I'm gonna go play some blackjack." Hayden said, clapping his brother on the back. "Aurora and I will join you." Andy said, and we followed Hayden over to one of the many blackjack tables. Andy and Hayden each took a seat and started talking about one of Hayden's many law classes. I see they have developed a friendship. I looked around at all of the casino games around while the dealer at the table dealt everyone in.

I felt Andy's hand snake around my waist and pull me down into his lap. His beard scratched against my neck before he placed a kiss on my cheek. I relaxed against him and felt his thumb trace circles on my stomach. Soon, my dad walked over with whiskey for himself and Andy, a beer for Hayden, and a water for myself.

"Thanks dad." I said, taking a sip of the water. Though I wished it was something stronger.

I watched as they played a few rounds, sipping and watching. I looked down at Andy's hand. He was at 16. "Don't hit." I whispered. "I'll stay." Andy said to the dealer, who then moved on to Hayden who took another card and went over 21. "Damnit." He mumbled.

"Bust." The dealer said, passing some more chips to Andy. This went for a few more rounds before Andy was back at 16. "What do you say, Rory?" Andy asked, kissing my shoulder. "Hit." Andy nodded at the dealer who dealt a 5. Exactly what Andy needed to hit 21.

"Damnit!" Hayden mumbled, busting again. "I need Aurora's luck." He laughed, looking at Andy and I. "Not so much luck as it was my ex boyfriend and his friends played poker and blackjack every night." I laughed.

"Poker? You any good?" Hayden asked me. "I am." "Let's go then." He said, standing up from the blackjack table and picking up his remaining chips. "I don't know if you want to do that, Hayes." My dad laughed, "You've already lost enough money, son."

Hayden only waved him off and looked at me. "Okay." I looked at Andy, "Will you play too?"

"I'm no good at poker, Rory." He said, kissing my cheek. "Go with Hayes. I'll keep Andy company." My dad said. I gave Andy another kiss before following Hayden over to one of the many poker tables.

Andy's POV

"So, how are things with Rory?" Drake asked me as Aurora and Hayden walked off. If I wasn't so sure of my relationship with Aurora, I might be worried that she'd like someone like Hayden. But he was harmless and I knew Aurora loved me. Plus, they are kid of step siblings now, so that would be weird.

"Things are good. Really good." I said, smiling at him. "And the wedding plans?"

"Rory has completely taken over." I laughed. Drake smiled and laughed along with me. "I'm sure she has. I was worried she'd never get the wedding she wanted if she stuck with that asshole, Nate." I clenched my jaw slightly and nodded, "I plan to give her everything she wants."

Drake nodded and placed a hand on my shoulder, "I know you will. What do you say we go join Nancy and Brandon over at roulette?" He asked. "You go ahead, I'm going to run to the restroom and go watch Rory beat Hayden at poker." Drake laughed and shook his head, "I'll see you later, Andy."

I went to the restroom and then made my way through the casino until I found Aurora and Hayden. Aurora was cheering, I assume she just beat him, and I walked up behind her, moving to kiss her cheek. "So who won?" I asked.

"Aurora." Hayden grumbled. "What can I say? My girl is good at poker."

"Aurora, let's go again?" He said, looking at her. "Sure, if you really enjoy losing that much." She replied, turning around to give me a kiss as the dealer reset the game. "Having fun?" I asked her. "Tons. Here, sit with me." She moved and pushed me down into the chair before sitting back down in my lap. I quickly wrapped my arms around her and rubbed her stomach. "Now, watch Hayden lose again to a girl."

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