Chapter 34

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"Thanks for letting us be apart of your day, dad." I said, giving my dad a hug as he and Nancy dropped us off at the airport with her two sons. "Of course, princess. I'm happy you let me back into your life." He whispered. We pulled away and I pulled Nancy into a hug, "congratulations." I told her once more.

"You'll be next." She smirked, motioning to Andy who was talking to Hayden. "I can't wait." I smiled.

"Aurora, Andrew, we'll see you both at your wedding." My dad said, shaking Andy's hand. "Get home to Virginia safe and enjoy Mexico." Andy replied with a smile. With one last hug from my dad, we made our way into the airport. We parted with Brandon and Hayden and made our way to the gate.

I sighed and leaned against Andy as we waited for our flight. "I love you." I said, quietly. I felt him kiss my head, "I love you too, sweetheart. And our little peanut growing in there." I felt his hand press against my stomach and I moved to kiss his cheek. "I'm excited for them too." I said quietly, placing my hand over his. Andy's thumb rubbed small circles on my stomach as we waited for our flight to be called.

I ended up falling asleep on the flight home and felt Andy gently shaking me away as we landed. "Sweetheart, wake up. We're back home." He whispered. I nodded and stretched slightly, holding onto his hand as we got off the plane with our luggage and made our way back to the parking lot where Andy's car was.

It wasn't too late, maybe 8pm, but I was exhausted after a day of traveling and the long days in Vegas. I quickly fell asleep in the car, and only woke up at the feeling of Andy setting me down in our bed and covering me up.

"Andy?" I whispered. "Hey, go back to sleep, sweetheart." He whispered, kissing my head and pushing hair out of my face. I could tell he already took my shoes off and got me situated so I was just wearing a t-shirt. "Andy come to bed." I whispered. "I will as soon as I go pick up Jake. I just wanted to get you home first." He said quietly. I nodded and cuddled into the pillows, falling into a deep sleep.

Andy's POV

I watched as Aurora quickly fell back asleep and walked downstairs and to my car so I could go pick up Jake from Tyler's.

I quickly shot him a text when I arrived and he came out and hopped into the car. "Where's Aurora?" He asked. "Asleep. This trip exhausted her." He nodded and we chatted until we got back to the house. "If you're going to play xbox, just keep it quiet. She needs to sleep."

"Will do dad!" He said, and went into his room. I walked into my room with Aurora and quickly stripped down into my boxers and climbed into bed behind her. She instantly curled up into me and I ran my fingers through her hair gently. I knew she loved that. She was so unbelievably perfect, and I can't believe she was mine. I can't believe I get to marry her, and I can't believe I get to grow my family with her. She was everything I didn't know I needed, and I'm so glad I found her in the bar that day.

I held her closely, feeling her heartbeat against my chest and he deep breaths as she was perfectly relaxed against me. Her hair falling across her back perfectly. Her lips were parted ever so slightly and occasionally the softest snore would leave her lips.

I held her in my arms and watched her sleep peacefully for a while, happy that she was able to be so relaxed around me. Happy that she gave herself over to me fully and trusted me. And I was proud that she was my girl. I also really hoped our child would be a girl. I wanted a mini Aurora to spoil. I'd spoil both my girls then.

I spent the rest of the evening awake, watching Aurora and going over baby names in my head. If it was a girl, I wanted her to have a Disney princess name like her beautiful mother. And if it was a boy, I was thinking about maybe a Disney prince. Eric was a nice name, like Prince Eric from the little mermaid. Phillip... like Prince Phillip from Sleeping Beauty.

"Andy?" I heard Aurora's soft voice whisper.

"Sorry, sweetheart, did I wake you?" I asked. "No." She said, shaking her head. "Why are you still awake?" She asked. "Couldn't sleep." I felt her hand rub my chest lightly. "What's on your mind?"

"You. Our kid. How happy I am. How happy you make me. Our kids names..." I said, smiling. Aurora kissed my chest and moved ever so slightly so she could look at me. "And what names are you thinking?" She asked, a smile on her face. "Well, if we have a girl, I want her to have princess name like Belle...a princess name like her mother. And if it's a boy...I was thinking a prince. Eric or Phillip sounded the best to me."

"You want to name our possible son after a Disney prince?" She asked, smiling. "I do. Because then I'd either have two princesses or my princess and our little prince."

Aurora smiled and pressed her lips against mine. "I love you, Andy. So much." She whispered. "I love you too, princess. You and our prince or princess." I pushed her back onto the bed and leaned over her before kissing down her face, neck, and body until I stopped at her stomach.

"What are you doing?" Aurora asked, a smile on her lips. "I'm going to talk to our little peanut." I said, smiling up at her.

"Hey there, little one. It's your dad. I can't wait to meet you and hold you in my arms. Your mom and I are so excited to meet you. We're already planning all the cool things we're gonna do together... like trips to the park, messy spaghetti dinners, teaching you to ride a bike..." I looked up at Aurora who was smiling wide. "You're already so loved, and we can't wait for the day you join our little family."

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