Chapter 38

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- 1 year later -

Aurora's POV

"DA!!" Phillip squeaked out as Andy tickled his tummy while they laid on the floor with some toys. Andy gasped and did it again, making the 1 year old move his arms around. I smiled as I watched them, Andy was so perfect with him.

Phillip squealed again as Andy lifted him up and tossed him gently, catching him. "Careful." I said, smiling at them. "He loves it." Andy said, smiling over at me. "I know. But come on, I need to clean him up before dinner."

"I'll do it. You rest." Andy said, standing up with Phillip and walking over to me to give me a kiss. "Are you sure?" I asked him. "Yes, sweetheart. I'll wash him up, take a nap before Jake and Iris get here." Andy gave me another kiss and I melted into it. "I don't need a nap, I'm okay." I said, "Plus, I want to finish up dinner."

"Rory, baby, I love you but it's oven baked lasagna." Andy said, smirking at me. I slapped his chest gently, "hey! I'm still semi cooking it. I put it in the oven!"

Andy only rolled his eyes and looked at Phillip, "do you see that? Mommy just hit me!" Phillip looked back at him and opened his mouth, mocking the over the top gasp Andy made. Now it was my turn to roll my eyes, "just go."

Andy gave me one last kiss and took Phillip up the stairs and into his room to get him changed and ready for dinner. Jake and Iris were coming home for the summer, after spending a month abroad in Europe. I honestly couldn't wait to hear about it and I hoped they had so much fun. He better have loads of pictures.

I made my way back into he kitchen and checked on the lasagna before sitting at the island and messing on my phone for the next 30 minutes until Andy came back down with Phillip. "Ma ma!" Phillip yelled, brining my attention over to him. "Hi baby!" I smiled, reaching out to him and taking him from Andy's arms. He was settled on my hip and his hands immediately went to my hair. He loved my hair. "Don't you look handsome!" I gushed, looking at the outfit Andy had put him in before kissing all over his face, making him giggle and kick.

"DAD! RORY! I'm home!!"

I gasped and looked at Phillip, "you're brother Jacob is home!" "JJ!!" Phillip clapped.

Andy and I made our way towards the front door where Jacob was walking in with his girlfriend, Iris. "Jake!" I smiled, rushing up to him and pulling him into a hug. "Okay, okay, not so tight." Jake laughed, hugging me back but being mindful of the one year old in my arms. I laughed and pulled away and he looked at Phillip. "Hey PJ!!" "JJ!" Phillip shouted, well and reached out to him. I happily passed him over to Jake and greeted Iris with a hug.

"How have you guys been?!" I asked, ushering them into the kitchen. "Good!" Jake replied. "And how was Europe??" I asked. "Really good! Oh you would love it, Rory, especially Italy!" Jake said, still holding onto Phillip. "It's just so gorgeous!"

"So when's the vacation?" I said, looking over at Andy. I think he owed me a vacation that wasn't our honeymoon.

"When we won't have 2 children until the age of 2." Andy said smiling over at me. "Wait... 2 kids???" Jake said, looking between us. Andy's eyes widened for a minute and I slapped his arm. "Ow! Quit! It was an accident!" He laughed.

"Hello??? 2 kids???" Jake said, pulling our attention back on him.

"We had this whole thing planned and your dad just ruined it." I said, glaring at him. "We can still look surprised." Iris said, smiling at me. "It's fineeee." I sighed and huffed a laugh. "Yes, I'm pregnant. It's early, about 10 weeks." I said with a smile.

"That's great! I'm happy for you guys!" Jake said, with Iris agreeing. "Well, that cat is out of the bag, let's eat!" Andy said, clapping his hands together and pulling the lasagna out of the over. "That smells good... there's no way you cooked that, dad." Jake laughed. Andy faked being hurt and pushed Jakes shoulder. "Your old man can cook..."

"You burn toaster waffles." Jake said, laughing, and handing Phillip back to me so I could get him set up in his highchair.

"Okay, so it was a frozen lasagna meal and Aurora made it." Andy laughed. "Because you would have probably burned it." Jake threw back at him.

I set Phillip in his highchair and gave him a plate with a bit of the lasagna on it, once it was cooled off enough. I knew he would just use his hands and make a mess, so I didn't bother giving him any kind of baby spoon. He usually ended up throwing it across the kitchen anyway. I also wrapped a bib around him, in hopes that it might protect the adorable outfit we had him in. It wouldn't last though, but I could still hope.

Jake, Iris, Andy, and I sat around the table, Phillip between Andy and I, while we passed the lasagna around putting a good amount on our plates. I kept an eye on Phillip while we all ate. "So, how was this past semester for the both of you?" Andy asked both Jake and Iris. "We both had a pretty good semester." Jake said, looking to Iris. "Yea, I agree. Mine was pretty tame this year... but next year I think it's all going to get harder." Iris laughed. Iris was in school for nursing while Jake was in school for computer science because he wanted to pursue a career working with video games.

"Well in nursing, I can only assume it will be much harder." I laughed, along with Iris. "I just hope I can do well." She said. "I'm sure you will." Andy said, taking a sip of his drink.

"So how has Phillip been?" Jake asked Andy and I before looking at Phillip who was making a huge mess with the lasagna. "Messy." I said, and Jake laughed looking over at Phillip who had sauce all over his face and was smiling at all of us. "Da da!" He shouted, looking at Andy.

"He's been good. As Rory said, messy. Been sleeping through the night, his teeth are growing gin nicely, and he's been pretty playful and happy lately. So yea. Things are good." Andy smiled, reaching over and wiping Phillip's face with a napkin. "Da!" Phillip said again, trying to push Andy's hand away. "Let me wipe your face, bud. It's covered in tomato sauce." Phillip shook his head back and forth while Andy continued to wipe his face.

"Any other updates I've missed?" Jake asked me. "I don't think so..." I said, looking at Andy, "Andy, do we have anything else going on?"

"Yes, you're going to testify in court in 6 months." He replied.

Oh shit. That's right. I had to testify in Nate's trial. It turns out that Nate's lawyers were having him plead insanity. Which, that's how he was initially behaving, but he knew what he was doing. However the District Attorney's office was going for the max sentence.

"Won't you be like really pregnant then?" Jake asked. "She will be but they won't push it out." Andy grumbled. "Only 6 months Andy. That's fine." I said. He was mad that they wouldn't work with us to push out the trial because he didn't want me stressed out while pregnant. I assured him I would be okay, but he wasn't convinced. He probably spent an hour on the phone with the District Attorney's office when we found out I was pregnant complaining. "It's fine. I'll be fine." I said, waving them both off.

"Well, I hope he goes to jail for a long time." Jake said, taking a bite of his food. "Me too, Jake. Me too."

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