Chapter 14

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I'd woken up the next morning with a permanent smile on my face. I glanced over to see Andy still peacefully asleep, his mouth slightly parted and soft snores leaving his lips now and again. His arm was draped over my side, keeping me close.

I carefully turned around in his arms, trying not to wake him, and snuggled up against his warm and bare chest. "Good morning." Andy mumbled, his voice husky from sleep. "Good morning." I said, my body completely relaxed. I felt Andy's lips press against my head and his grip tighten. I only smiled. Everything was perfect. I couldn't be happier.

"Are you hungry?" I asked quietly. "For you." I lifted my head and saw Andy already looking at me.

"Was last night not enough for you Mr. Barber?" I raised my eyebrows and watched a smirk cross his lips. "Nothing is ever enough when it comes to you. I would be buried inside you at all times of the day if I could."

"Andy!" I slapped his chest and he pulled me back down into his arms. "God and when you call me Mr. Barber..." He groaned slightly and I could feel him hardening under the sheets.

I smirked at him and disappeared beneath the sheets, taking him in my mouth. "Fuck." He groaned. I felt his hand rest on the back of my head gently as I woke him up in the best way possible. I felt him pulse in my mouth as I lazily bobbed my head up and down. "Shit. Right there." He moaned under me and I soon felt him release down my throat. I pulled my mouth off of him with a pop and crawled over him. "That was the best way to fully wake up." I smiled and kissed him before we both got out of bed and got ready for the day.


"Shit. I forgot to give Jake money for lunch today or pack him something before I dropped him off at Tyler's last night." Andy mumbled, texting his son on his phone as we stood in the kitchen. "Fuck." He dropped the phone and I stepped up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "What's wrong? Can you drop something off for him?" I asked. "No. I'll be in court all day." He sighed and turned around, leaning against the counter.

"I could take him something." I offered. "Rory, you don't have too...I'll just have to-" "Andy." I cut him off and placed my hands on his arms. "Let me. I don't work until the afternoon." Andy sighed and his eyes met mine. "Just don't take him any junk food? The kid eats enough McDonald's already." I laughed slightly and nodded. "No McDonalds. Would Chipotle work?" Andy glared at me playfully and then rolled his eyes. I smiled and stood on my toes to kiss him.

"What time is his lunch?" I asked. "11:45 is when it starts." He replied. I nodded and stepped away from him. "Okay. Go be a hot lawyer." I playfully slapped his ass as he walked out of the apartment, not without giving me a goodbye kiss. "I'll see you tonight!" He shouted as he disappeared down the hallway. "Can't wait!"

Andy's POV

Court was over and I was excited to get home. It was taxing today. I had been dealing with a custody battle and it got kind of messy with all of the back and forth. But it was over and done. My client won and she received full custody of her son.

"Thank you Mr. Barber."

"Of course Jessica, please don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything okay?" She gave me one last smile before we went our separate ways. I got to my car and my phone started buzzing. It was Jake's school.


"Hello? Mr. Barber?" The woman asked. "Yes." "I'm calling to inform you that Jake was in an altercation with another boy today and the principal would like to meet with you if possible." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I thought we left all of this behind in Massachusetts. "Yea. I'll be there soon." "Thank you, Mr. Barber. We will see you soon." I hung up the phone and tossed it into my passenger seat. With another loud groan and a few curse words leaving my lips, I drove over to the high school.

I was greeted by the secretary when I walked in and she led me towards the office where Jake and another boy were sitting. I glared at him slightly and he looked down at his hands. "Right this way, Jake?" The secretary pointed me to a room and I walked in with Jake following.

I took a seat in front of the principal and Jake sat down next to me. "Sorry for calling you in Mr. Barber but we take violence very seriously here." She said. "I understand Mrs. Watson. I'm sorry for my son's behavior." I looked at Jake and hear a sigh leave his lips. "I was hoping to get to the bottom of this. So far Jacob has been a wonderful student this year and this just seems out of character for him."

"Jake? Would you like to tell us what happened?" I asked. He shrugged and mumbled a short 'no' at the both of us. I looked to Mrs. Watson and she looked down at her paper. "A few other students said they saw Jacob here throw the first punch. So for that, I'm going to need to suspend him for a week." I nodded, completely understanding. "Of course we will have his teachers send him his homework so he doesn't fall behind in class." She continued. At this point, I was just trying to contain my anger.

"Thank you Mrs. Watson. We will be talking about this when we get home." She nodded and smiled at me, "If you have a moment, I'd like to speak with you just one on one." I nodded and  handed Jake the keys to the car. "Jake go wait in the car." He silently stood up and left the room. "Mr. Barber, I want to be honest with you. I don't want to make it a big deal because Jacob has been a lovely boy, but with his past-" "I understand Mrs. Watson. I will try to get to the bottom of this. He's a good kid."

She gave me an understanding smile and stood up to shake my hand. "Thank you again for coming in." I nodded and turned on my heel, walking out of the office and to my car where Jake was already waiting.

"What is the matter with you?!" I yelled as we sat in the car of the high school parking lot. "I thought we were done with this. You can't be getting into fights Jake! You have to be careful. Not after what happened, even if you weren't convicted of anything." He hung his head and looked out the window. "I didn't mean too." He mumbled. "Oh, so you didn't mean to punch that kid in the eye?" "He deserved it." Jake only shrugged and I gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"Jake this is our fresh start. Away from Newton." I sighed. He remained silent and stared out of the window. "Will you just tell me what happened?" Jake looked at me, finally, and then back at his hands. "He's some senior. He was talking about Aurora. After she brought me lunch." He mumbled. My jaw clenched slightly. "What did he say?"

"Shit about how hot she was. Other stuff..." "What stuff?" I tried to remain calm. "How my dad probably wanted a young, hot college girl to warm his bed. Shit about how every good porn video starts with a hot young stepmom. How if he was me he'd have already tried to 'hit that'. It was disrespectful and it made me mad so I hit him." Jake shrugged again. Meanwhile, I was boiling with anger at this point. "Why didn't you tell the principal this?" "Didn't feel like it."

I sighed and started the car, driving towards the house. "I'm sure you already know that I have to ground you." "Yea." The rest of the drive home was quiet and Jake immediately retreated into his room. I quickly texted Aurora that I wouldn't be able to make it to the bar tonight and invited her to spend the night here. I also made a mental note to tell Mrs. Watson exactly what Jacob told me.

I wasn't even mad that Jake punched that kid. From what it sounded like, he did deserve it. It made me angry that someone would tease him about Aurora. I knew she was younger than me but not by that much and plus that didn't even matter. Sure I expected the looks here and there but my son? He didn't deserve that. All Aurora did was help me out and take him lunch...and because of that some disgusting senior taunted Jake about her age and her looks.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I leaned against the kitchen counter. I heard my phone ding and smiled as I saw her name pop up on the screen.

Guess I'll just have to flirt with
Stan tonight for my tips :(

You mean to tell me you flirt with other
men when I'm not there...I'm hurt Rory 🥲

You know you're my favorite
though, Mr. Barber ;)

I shook my head and heard Jake's footsteps come down the stairs. "Can I at least play on my xbox? No friends, just me?" I sighed and looked up at him. "Fine but I mean it. No friends, by yourself." He nodded and grabbed a bag of chips before heading back upstairs.

Now, to wait for my beautiful girlfriend to get home from the bar. And I couldn't wait to see her.

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