Chapter 19

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Andy and I sat at the island the next morning, eating some breakfast. Eggs and of the only things Andy can cook. Andy was typing something up on his laptop when Jake came down the stairs.

"Morning buddy!" Andy said, greeting him.

"Morning." Jake grumbled, grabbing an apple from the center of the island. He glared at the both of us as he bit into it.

"Oh come on!" Andy laughed and shook his head, "don't glare at us."

"Dad, I SIT there with my friends...and now I know you've been...naked...on it..." His face contorted into a disgusted expression. "I can't get the image of your ass out of my mind!!! You two are worse than teenagers!" I laughed a little. I guess he was right. We could have moved into Andy's room.

"Look, we're sorry...we won't do it again. Now can you stop glaring at us?" Andy asked. "Where else do I need to disinfect?" Jake raised his eyebrows and Andy looked at me. "Okay, first, it's none of your business. And two, do you really want the answer to that question?" Andy raised his eyebrows back. Jake groaned and stomped out of the room. Andy looked over at me and I leaned forward to give him a kiss. "I think you have a cute ass."

"I think you have a cute...well...everything." He smiled, pecking my lips again before typing on his laptop again.

Andy and I finished up our breakfast and he threw the dishes in the sink before giving me another deep kiss. "I gotta go, I love you, I'll see you later after work." My eyes widened and I froze. He gave me a kiss and turned to walk away. Then, he froze, realizing what he did. Everything froze. He turned around slowly and his eyes met mine.

He just told me he loved me...Oh my god!!! And it was so natural too. So easy. "Andy..."

"Aurora..." He looked slightly terrified for a moment. Like he was scared I'd freak out and leave him. No chance in hell.

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant it like 'oh love you' you know casually...people do that...right?...and it was just an came out because I say that all the time to Jake..." He started rambling and I stood up, grabbing his face with my hands. "Andy!" He stopped talking and I smiled. " you love me?" I asked. He took a deep breath and nodded, "I do. So much."

I pressed my lips to his and wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. His hands gripped my waist as we made out. I was the first to pull away and Andy rest his forehead against mine. "I love you too, Andy." I whispered. Andy's entire face lit up and be picked me up and spun me around. "I love you, Aurora." He said again, kissing me again. I smiled into it and he set me down.

"God, I've wanted to tell you so many times but I was scared too..." "You were scared that I'd freak out weren't you?" I asked. He nodded and I wrapped my arms around him. "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or nervous or upset and with the whole Nate thing...I didn't think it was the right time. I wanted to take out out to dinner and then tell you how much I loved you...but it slipped out here. I do love you, Aurora. I have for a while."

I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. "I love you too, Andy. I've felt it just keep growing stronger this past week..." He smiled, giving me one last kiss before stepping back. "I love you, and I really want to take you upstairs but I have to go to work...I'll see you when I get home." He groaned and looked upset that he actually had to go to work right now. I laughed and nodded, "Go, Andy. I'll be here when you get back."

"One more." He kissed me again and then turned to quickly go towards the door. If he hadn't, he wouldn't be leaving. "Bye Jake!" He yelled. "Bye!" Jake yelled back. Once the door shut, I couldn't wipe the massive grin off of my face. He told me he loved me and I told him I loved him. This was easily one of the best mornings ever.


A few hours past, mostly spent lounging on the couch and watching Jacob play some games on his xbox. Fortnite? I didn't understand the purpose but he tried to teach me how to play.

Eventually I gave up and relaxed into the couch. Suddenly the doorbell rang and I looked at Jake, "are you expecting anyone?"

Jake shook his head, "nope. I'm technically still grounded for punching that other kid."

"Shit. I'm not supposed to be letting you play Xbox either!" Jake gave me a sheepish smile and I rolled my eyes before standing up. "But you love me and won't tell dad right?" He batted his eyes at me and I couldn't help but cave. He had Andy's eyes. Screw Andy's perfect blue eyes. "Fine."

I made my way toward the door and looked through the peep hole to see a delivery driver holding a huge bouquet of flowers. I opened the door and smiled at the man. "Hello, for Aurora?" "That's me?" He held out the flowers to me and I took them.

"I just need a signature here." He said, holding out a clipboard. "Sure." I set the flowers down on the console table and signed. "Have a good one." The man said. "You too." I shut the door behind me and carried the flowers into the kitchen.

"Who are those from?" Jake asked. "I don't know..." I looked around for a card and found one tucked into the arrangement. "Here's a card." I said, opening it up.


I love and miss you


I smiled as I read the handwritten note. Of course they were from Andy. "They're from your dad." I said, handing Jake the note. "Aurora, I love and miss you. Andy." He read out loud. "This isn't my dads handwriting." He held the note up and my eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know...he doesn't do his y's like that... they're more curved. Not as straight."

I took the note from him and looked at it again. "Hmm..." I walked into Andy's office with the note and pulled out some case notes from his drawer to compare. "You're right. This isn't his handwriting...maybe someone at the flower shop wrote the note. He probably just called and told them the message." I shrugged. "Probably. Pretty though, dad has good taste." Jake smiled and we exited the office.

"Anyway, please don't tell him about the Xbox? I did all my homework." Jake pleaded with me again and I playfully punched his shoulder. "I won't but be off it before he gets home." "YES!" Jake yelled, running back into the living room to resume his game. Meanwhile, I made my way back into the kitchen and picked up my phone to send Andy a quick thank you text for the flowers.

Thank you for the flowers 🩷
They are gorgeous

What flowers?

The ones you just sent me?

Rory...I didn't send you any flowers...

Well your name is on the card?

Baby, I have no idea what you're
talking about

Andy, stop trying to mess
with me...this isn't funny

Aurora, I'm serious...I didn't
send you flowers sweetheart...

Then who the hell did???

I stared at my phone for a minute. If Andy didn't send me these then...oh my god.


Nate sent these flowers.

A/N: We have a filler-ish chapter before some drama starts...😬🙈

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