Chapter 25

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Aurora's POV

I don't know how long I've been her. Days passed by agonizingly slowly. I stared at the plate of eggs and bacon on the floor, in the same spot Nate left them this morning. He would be bringing lunch soon, but as always, I wouldn't eat it.

I heard the lock on the door click before it opened and Nate's steps got louder as he got closer. "You didn't eat." He said. I ignored him. I simply remained laying on the bed, facing the wall. "Damnit Aurora!" He shouted, his arm grabbing my arm and flipping me over. "I'm not hungry." I said, my tone completely emotionless.

"Don't make me force it down your throat." He threatened, but what was new. I stared at him again and he kicked the plate of eggs and bacon over. "Fine, fucking starve!" He yelled, storming out of the room.

He'd be back later. He always came back. He wouldn't let me starve, as much as I wish he would. I wish he would just leave me here to die. He already took Andy from me. I thought he was lying at first... I had hope Andy was alive and would find me... but my hope only diminished as the days passed. Then Nate showed me the news article. Andy wasn't coming for me.

I laid there, unmoving, for another few hours until Nate came back in the room. "I brought you dinner." He said, setting it down on the side table. I didn't move which prompted him to pull me up and hold up the spoon of what I could see was soup to my lips. "Please, Aurora." "Why do you even care, Nate?" I snapped. "Because I love you!"

"You love me?!" I scoffed. "You were emotionally and physically abusive to me towards the end of our relationship. You stalked me. You kidnapped me. You had my boyfriend killed. And you've kept me locked up in a basement for god knows how long. Tell me how that means you love me??" I said, staring daggers at him. "I made you better. You were the perfect girlfriend to me. And then that lawyer? He was only tearing us apart. I saved you from him. I've given you a bed, a bathroom, three meals a day! You're safe with me. Why can't you see that!!" He yelled back.

"You're delusional." I mumbled. If we were in a cartoon, steam would be coming out of his ears. That's how angry he was. "Eat the damn soup." He growled. "No. I'd rather die in here than spend one more minute with you."

"Fine." He snapped, picking up the bowl of soup and storming out of the room. He locked the door behind him and I laid back down on the bed.

He didn't come back later in the night. Or the next morning. Maybe he was finally giving up. I'd never love him. I hated him... and I had given up.

Andy's POV

After another week, we arrived in Virginia. It took the local police there a while to comb through traffic camera's but they were able to confirm one thing... Nate was there. He was seen in a town close to the Blue Ridge Mountains. They were careful though not to put out any kind of missing person alerts because they didn't want to spook him.

Detective Blake came as well and was working closely with the police on a plan to find Aurora. They analyzed his behavior and it seemed like he came into the town at least once a week for food. They had informed the store owner who was willing to work with them in an effort to arrest him.

I was incredibly nervous. This was our one chance to get him, and hopefully Aurora. My heart pounded in my chest as we waited outside in a surveillance van in front of the store. We waited for hours... but he never came. Why didn't he come??

We packed it up for the day, but the police assured us they would have surveillance 24/7 just in case.

"Don't give up, Andy. She's here, somewhere." Detective Blake said, patting my back as we made our way back to the motel. "What if he saw us and already left?" I asked her. "I don't think he did. Maybe he's just coming tomorrow. We'll keep trying." With one last encouraging smile, she walked into her room and I walked in mine. Jake sat up from the bed quickly and his face dropped when he saw me alone. "No luck?" "He didn't show. We'll try again tomorrow." I said, falling back on one of the beds. "I'm sorry, dad." Jake said quietly.

The rest of the night was quiet. I think we were both kind of defeated. Today sucked.

I laid awake for a while, my mind on overdrive as I thought over all of the possible scenarios. The worst being he killed her and buried her somewhere that we would never find her. That was the worst case. I tried not to think about it, because while it was the worst case scenario... I didn't think Nate would kill her. But then again... people do crazy things that you least expect. I never thought Laurie would try to kill our son...

I shook the thought out of my mind and shut my eyes, trying to get some sleep.


I maybe got 1 hour total of sleep that night. I was exhausted but I couldn't shake the dark thoughts that swirled through my head. I hoped today was the day we found them. I stood in the motel lobby, waiting for coffee to pour out of the old machine. It would be the only thing keeping me going today.

I took the cup back to the room, running into Detective Blake on the way. She looked out of breath, like she was running. "Is everything okay?" I asked, slightly panicked as the thoughts of Aurora being dead swirled through my head. "They caught him."

The coffee spilled from my hand and onto the floor. "They've got him at the station. I already told Jake, he's in the car... I came looking for you." She didn't have to say any more before I was already making my way out of the motel and to the car. She drove us quickly to the police station and we ran in.

"Where is he?!" I yelled. "Mr. Barber, we need you to calm down." One of the officers said, placing a hand on my chest. "He's detained for now."

"Andy, I'll talk to them, okay?" Detective Blake said, placing a hand on my shoulder before looking at the officer, "He's with me." The officer simply nodded and led us towards one of their interrogation rooms. "Wait here. I'll go in with Officer Bishop." She said. I nodded and Jake and I stood behind the two way glass while they entered. Nate only smirked at them and it made my blood boil.

"Nate Jacobs."

"Detective Melody Blake, good to see you again... in Virginia no less." He replied, a smug smile on his lips. "Give it up, Nate. Where's Aurora?"

"Probably dead." He said, shrugging his shoulders. "I tried to keep her alive." My heart dropped. No... that can't be true... "I guess there's no use lying now. You see. I had her precious Andy killed... and she decided life with me wasn't worth living. Fucking bitch. I have her everything!" He snapped. I knew he hired that Pete guy to kill me and he thought I was dead...but...he told Aurora I was dead. Fuck. Detective Blake nodded at him. "And you're positive Andy is dead?"

"Saw the news article myself. 'Former ADA Andrew Barber Killed in Tragic Accident'." He smirked, "I had that accident staged."

"Was this the article?" Detective Blake asked, passing the photo of the faked news article that Pete had made when he decided he couldn't go through with it and would just take the money and run. "Yup." He smirked, a smug smile on his lips as he popped the p. "This article was fake. Andy isn't dead. You're little accomplice gave you up." Nate's eyes widened and he slammed his fists on the metal table. "You're lying."

"Fine, don't believe me." She shrugged. "That prick stole my money!" Nate yelled. "And turned you into the police. How do you think we found you?" Nate glared at her but her face remained stoic. "So tell me, Nate, where were you keeping Aurora." She asked again.

Nate sat back in his chair. "You know what, I think I'll take that lawyer now."


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