Chapter 5

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"Thank you, Andy. Seriously." "Of course." He smiled as he helped me bring my boxes into his guest room. "I don't actually want you to sleep in here but...I understand if you want to..." He trailed off as he set a box down. "I'll keep that in mind...but your son..." "Like I said, he'll be fine." He stepped closer to me and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I really do like you Aurora but I understand that you might need some time." "Thank you, Andy. You've made me feel more important and wanted in like a few weeks than Nate has in the past 5 years." I wrapped my arms around his waist as he pulled me closer.

"DAD?!" A voice yelled as his front door shut. "That's Jacob." He gave me a kiss on the head and walked downstairs. I followed him slowly. "Dad? Can I go to- Who's that?" Andy turned around as I stood on the bottom third step. "Jacob, this is Aurora. Aurora, this is my son, Jacob. She's a client of mine. She just got out of a difficult situation and she'll be staying with us in the guest room until she can find a new place." "Nice to meet you, Jacob." He stared at me for a moment, "yea, you too..." He looked back at Andy. "Can I go to Tyler's place down the street? He's got the newest Call Of Duty game. His mom also invited me to stay for dinner." "Yea, sure. That sounds great bud."

"Great! Thanks! See ya later, dad. Nice to meet you!" With that he turned around and walked outside. "See, fine." Andy smiled at me and turned around.

I felt my phone buzz and I pulled it out of my pocket.

You fucking bitch.

When I find you, you'll wish you never left me



I let out a shaky breath and Andy looked at me with concern. "Rory?" I hand him my phone and he shook his head. "Don't worry, Rory. Detective Blake will take care of it. But I want her to have a screenshot of this. Is that okay?" I nod and watch him take a screenshot of the messages and send them to himself.

"I blocked his number as well." Andy said, handing me my phone back. "Thanks." I sighed and looked up at him, "I have a shift at 5." "Aurora, you don't have to go." I sigh and shake my head. "Jim relies on me for the late afternoon shift. I'll be okay. Plus you'll be there with your glass of whiskey." I gave him small smile and he sighed in defeat. "Fine...but if he shows up, I'm calling the cops."

About an hour later I arrived at the bar with Andy. "Aurora??" Jim says, immediately meeting me behind the bar. "I'm okay, Jim." I smiled at him and he shook his head. "If that boy ever comes in here..." He mumbles. "The police station forward me a copy of the restraining order but as far as I'm concerned they're all banned." "Thanks Jim." He nodded and walked back into the back. Andy was at his usual seat at the bar and I poured him a glass of whiskey.

As the night wore on, I continued taking drink and food orders with a smile. I still felt a little on edge when groups of men entered the bar, but Andy being there calmed me down.

I heard the door jingle and, of course, Cody and Brian walked in. My heart jumped out of my chest as I watched them approach the bar. I tried to keep my composure but Andy quickly noticed. He looked in their direction and stood up with a protective stance.

"What the fuck Rora?" Cody growled at me. "You're such a fucking bitch you know that." "Hey." Andy squared up to them. "Really. You cheated on Nate with him? You fucked this old guy?" Brian scoffed at Andy and glared at me. "This is none of your business old man."  Cody snapped.

"First of all, I'm only 35. I'm not that old. Second of all, it is my business." His voice remained steady and calm. "I'm Aurora's lawyer and a friend of hers, so I suggest you back off before we call the cops." Cody and Brian exchanged a look, sizing Andy up. "Fucking your lawyer? Wow. Real classy Rora. We knew you were nothing but a whore." Brian glared at me as he spoke. "Yea who else have you fucked? Probably Jim for a little extra cash." I felt tears well in my eyes slightly. I opened my mouth to say something but was cut off quickly by Jim.

"You two get the the hell outta my bar!" Jim yelled, emerging from the back. "Now, or I call the cops." They exchanged another look and Cody scoffed. "This isn't over Aurora." With one last angry glare, they turned around and walked out of the bar, disappearing into the night. I let out a breath of relief and Andy quickly made his way over to me, pulling me into a hug. "I called Mel, she's on her way. Go Aurora. Shift's over tonight." Jim said, placing his hand on my shoulder. "But Jim-" "No buts. I'm taking you off the schedule for a week. Just take some time to relax okay." I nodded and gave him a soft smile. "Thank you, Jim." He nodded and pulled the money out of the tip jar, handing it to me.

Andy grabbed my hand and led me out of the bar and to his car. "You're shaking." He said as he opened the door for me. "I'm fine, Andy."

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" I heard someone yell. I looked behind Andy and saw Nate approaching us quickly. Andy put his body in front of me protectively. "In the car. Call the police." Andy said lowly, shutting the car door once I was inside.

I quickly dialed 911 and told them that my ex was violating his temporary restraining order and was acting out aggressively.

"You think you can just steal my girlfriend you fucking asshole?" I heard Andy scoff. "I didn't steal her from you. You drove her away. She's beautiful and kind and she deserves better than to be your personal punching bag. You're just a sorry excuse of a man who feels the need to hurt women to feel better about yourself. I'm no psychologist but it's some sort of control issue. It's disgusting."

"What did you just call me?" Nate growled.

"A sorry excuse of a man. I've met thousands of men like you, and you're always the same." Nate scoffed and lunged at Andy. This time Andy was prepared and dodged his fist. Nate fell face first but caught himself before he hit the ground. "Next time you try to fight someone, maybe don't show up drunk." Andy said. Nate stood up and glared at me through the car door. His hand grabbed the handle and I quickly locked the door. He pulled on it roughly, in an attempt to open it. "Aurora open the fucking door." I shook my head abruptly.

"STEP AWAY FROM THE CAR!" A police officer yelled, walking up to Nate. He let go and backed away with his hands up. They swiftly arrested him, taking him to their cop car. Andy spoke to them for a moment before joining me in the car. He put a comforting hand on my thigh and squeezed it. "You okay?" "Yea...I just want to lay down." I said, my voice shaky. "Okay." Andy started his car and drove us back to his home.

"Come on." He led me into his room and let me lay down on the bed. Andy slowly laid down next to me, holding me close. "You're safe." He whispered and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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