Chapter 11

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The next few weeks went by quickly and quietly with Andy. I was enjoying spending time with him and getting to know him especially after our date. I still was in no place to jump into a new relationship, and Andy knew that. He was respectful of that, but I knew he was anxious to call me his girlfriend. Honestly, I wanted him too, but I knew I needed time.

Jacob had just gone to school and Andy was cooking some breakfast in the kitchen. He was dressed for court today and damn did he look good. Some divorce case he was working on. "Do you want cheese on your eggs?"

"That would be great." I smiled, even though his back was to me, and watched as he plated the eggs and sprinkled cheese on them. He pushed the plate towards me and gave me a smile. "Thank you." I picked up the fork and put a forkful in my mouth. "Do you work tonight?" Andy asked. I shook my head. "No. Tomorrow though." He smiled and nodded, "I'll be there."

"You know you don't have to be there every night for me, Andy..."

"Who said I was going for you?" He smirked slightly and I glared at him, "I"m going for the whiskey and this really cute bartender." I rolled my eyes and laughed slightly.

"Oh by the way, I think I found a place." Andy groaned slightly. "You knew it was coming, Andy."

"I know. I'm just used to having you here." He glanced at the time on the stovetop and walked around the island and kissed my head. "Okay, I've got to get to court. I'll talk to you more later, okay?" I nodded and he gave me a quick kiss before disappearing into the garage. I sighed and looked around the empty house. I would miss it here with Andy. Even Jacob. We had been getting along. He'd even taught me how to play some of his video games while we waited for Andy to get home on my days off. He was a good kid. Andy had opened up to me briefly on our date about what had happened, and I can't imagine why his mother would ever try to harm him.

I also did end up googling the trial. Everything pointed to Jakes innocence. Not that I doubted it. He was a good kid. It was just a tragic case for everyone involved.

I decided to make myself busy and clean up the house a little bit for Andy. Not that it was messy, but it could use a good clean. So that's what I spent the day doing. I cleaned the kitchen, living room, Andy's office, Andy's bedroom, and the bathrooms. It took me a few hours, but it was finally clean. I smiled at my progress as I heard the front door open and shut, the alarm sounding that someone was home. It wasn't long before Jake and Tyler walked into he kitchen. "Hey Aurora." He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Hey Jake. How was school?"

"Uneventful, boring." He shrugged and looked at Tyler. "Tyler and I are gonna go upstairs and play video games."

"Enjoy it." I smiled at the two teenagers and they quickly disappeared upstairs. I trust Jake probably texted Andy asking if Tyler could be over. It wasn't my place to ask anyway. Andy and I weren't even dating. I ended up watching some TV on the couch until Andy arrived back home. I felt him lean over the couch and kiss my head. "Mr. Barber." I leaned my head back and he pressed a kiss to my lips. "How was court and work?" I asked. "Good." I watched him pull off his suit jacket and toss it over the arm of the couch. "This particular divorce was messy, glad it's finally over." He said, sitting down next to me and pulling my legs over his lap.

"How was your day?" He asked. "Good. I cleaned the house a bit for you." I smiled. "So that's why it smells so good in here." He laughed. I nodded and leaned forwards to kiss him. "You didn't have to, but thank you." He rubbed my leg gently and I leaned my head against his shoulder as our attention focused on the show.

We enjoyed each others company for a few minutes until Andy broke the silence. "So, tell me about this apartment you found?"

"It's nice. It's not too far from here, or work. You know I like walking to work." I laughed slightly and intertwined our fingers. "Good price too." I finished. "Is it gated?" Andy asked. "Yes, Andy, it's gated." I laughed slightly. "I just want you to be safe. Nate is still walking around." He sighed and kissed my temple. "Nate won't bother me." I assured him. "A gate would still make me feel better about your safety. And one of those camera doorbells." I hummed in agreement and ran my fingers down his arm. His sleeves were rolled up slightly and I traced his prominent veins. "Do I get to see pictures of this apartment?" He asked. I looked up at him and loosened his tie before I leaned forward to grab my phone, opening up the apartment website. I handed him the phone and he looked through the images. "This looks nice, Rory." He said as he scrolled through the images. He handed my my phone back and kissed my head before moving my legs over and standing up. "I'm gonna cook some dinner."

He stood up and I watched him walk towards the kitchen, pulling out pots and pans. "Andy do you even know how to cook?" I asked. "Ha ha, funny. I can cook."

"Pasta doesn't count..." I stood up and followed him, taking a seat at the island. He narrowed his eyes at me. "I wasn't gonna cook pasta..."

"Oh yea?" I raised my eyebrows and he nodded. "So what were you going to cook then?" I asked. He started at me for a few moments before I laughed. "Oh fuck off, Rory." "Let's just order from the diner." I said and he leaned against the counter. "You really don't want my cooking do you?"

"I would prefer not getting food poisoning..." I joked. He rolled his eyes and walked over to me, lifting me over his shoulder. "ANDY!" He playfully slapped my ass and tossed me down on the couch, hovering over me. "We'll order from the diner." He whispered, kissing me passionately. "I'll go see if Jake and Tyler want anything." He kissed me again, then my nose, before pushing off the couch and walking up the stairs.

He jogged back down and sat down on the couch, pulling me onto his lap, before making the call to the diner to order our usual meals. I teased him as he spoke on the phone and could feel his grip on me tightening. I didn't quit though. I could feel him hardening under me. I dipped my head into the crook of his neck and kissed the spot under his ear that I knew he loved. His hand flexed on my thigh and he held it tightly. "Thanks, bye." He hung up and tossed the phone onto the coffee table before flipping me onto my back and caging me under him. "What do you think you're doing?" He said lowly. I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and bat my eyelashes at him. "You think making me hard on the phone is funny?" I shook my head and he kissed me roughly.

The kiss got heated quickly and we totally forgot there were teenagers upstairs as Andy grinded against me. I moaned into the kiss and ran my hands across his broad back. Andy pulled away and kissed up my neck before sliding his hand down my body and into my leggings. He ran his finger up and down my slit, moaning softly. "God you're fucking wet..."

I moaned in agreement and his lips met mine again. He let one finger slip into my entrance, pumping it slowly before pulling his hand out and sucking his finger. "You're going to pay for that later..." He whispered. I whined as he pushed off the couch, his warmth leaving me. He smirked at me and winked. "I'm going to pick up our dinner. When I get back, we're going to eat and then finish this."

"I'll be waiting Mr. Barber."

A/N: Sorry if there are any mistakes, this chapter is being published from an airplane while I'm on a 10 hour flight 😁😊

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