Chapter 2

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I walk into the bar the next day for my shift. I did my best to cover up the marks on my neck but the cut on my eyebrow was still very visible. "Hey Rora!" Mel greeted me with a wide smile. "Hey." I mumbled and set my stuff down on the back counter. "What happened to your eye?" "Uh, fell. Got up to use the bathroom last night and tripped." "Ouch!" She said, believing my made up story.

"Okay well I'm headed out, Jim is in the back." She said and walked out of the bar. It was a Friday so the bar would for sure be busier today than it was yesterday. Thankfully, unlike some of the other bars in town, this one was more low-key. I don't know if I could handle over a thousand drunk college kids. My boyfriend and his shit friends are honestly enough to deal with.

I continued my shift until a familiar face sat down at the bar, in the same spot as last night. "Evening Andy. Whiskey?" He gave me a warm smile, "That would be great, Aurora." I quickly prepared his drink, setting it in front of him. He looked at my eye and his eyebrows knitted together, "your eye? Are you okay?" I could feel his stare on me and I shifted awkwardly. "Um yea, I just tripped and fell. I'm clumsy." I gave him a small smile and he nodded. "And the bruises on your neck? Did those come from that fall too?"


"I- uh.." "Did he hurt you?" He said, seriously. "No! We just got carried away I guess." He scoffed and shook his head. "If he hurt you Aurora..." "I'm fine, Andy. Let me know if I can get you anything else." I turned away from him and walked away quickly, assisting another customer.

I could still feel Andy's eyes on me and I tried to ignore him as best as I could.

Finally my shift was over and the girls who worked until 2am were taking over. Nate and his friends hadn't come in, so they were either at our apartment getting wasted and playing poker, or at a party. Honestly I hoped they were at a party so I could have peace and quiet before Nate would inevitably come home drunk and angry. I wrapped my jacket around my body tighter and started the short walk back to the apartment, dreading every step.

"Need a ride?" I looked over at the voice and saw Andy pull up next to me in a black Audi. "No thanks, my place is just up ahead." "Please? It's snowing." I sigh and open the door, sliding into the passenger seat. "Thank you. Just those apartments up ahead." I point and he drives to the building. He pulls in and parks in front of my building. As I was about to get out of the car, I spotted Nate's truck along with Cody and Brians' cars. I sigh and sink back down into the seat.

I could feel Andy's piercing stare burning into me, "I can't go in there." I mumble and he sighs, putting his car in park. "He gave you that bruise didn't he." I slowly nod and touch my neck, "I made him angry last night at the bar...he came home drunk and pissed off." Andy scoffs, "that's no reason to put hands on a woman." I pull my jacket tighter around my body and Andy pulls out of the spot he was parked in. "Where are you going?" "Well if you're not going to go inside, we might as well go get some food. I'm hungry...I bet you are too after your shift." I nod slightly and he drives us to a small diner on the outskirts of the town.

Andy and I sat down in one of the booths as a waitress came up to take our order. "Why are you with him?" Andy questioned as I took a sip of the coke in front of me. I shrug, "been together since we were 17 and 7 years..." Andy hung his head and took a sip of his own drink. "Has he always been like this." "No. It wasn't until sophomore year of college...he started to become more of an asshole as he hung around those douchebags he calls friends. Then he kept drinking know." I glanced down at my hands as the waitress came back, setting our food down in front of us.

"How about your friends? What do they think of him." I shrug my shoulders again. "Don't have any. He always wanted to be together, 24/7, I didn't really think much of it...until one day all my friends, they were all just gone. I don't really have anyone besides Nate." I put a fry in my mouth and looked up into Andy's blue eyes. "I'm sorry, Aurora." "Don't be. I should have listened to them years ago. Lord knows the red flags were present." "Aurora. None of this is your fault." I glance down at my plate, picking at the burger in front of me. "Do you want to leave him?" I sigh and look back up at him, "I can't. I have no where else to go."

"Well, if you choose to do anything...I was the ADA back in Newton, Massachusetts but I needed a change. So, I just opened my own firm here. Family Law. I could still help." He passed me a business card. Well the questions all make sense now. I gave him a small smile, "I'll keep that in mind."

Andy and I talked for two hours until it was just past midnight. He told me about some of his life in Newton, his son Jacob, and how he's divorced. In return, I told him about how I followed Nate to Colorado after high school, leaving my family behind in Virginia. I also told him how they told me never to come back once I told them I was moving away.

I enjoyed spending time with Andy. He was like a breath of fresh air. I felt suffocated around Nate. Like I was always walking on eggshells. With Andy, I felt comfortable, like I could just relax and be myself.

I heard a dull buzz coming from my purse. "Hold on..." I fished my phone that was blowing up out of my bag.

Aurora, where are you????

Aurora?? Answer me!

Damnit Aurora, answer the phone.

I swear to god when you get home...

Jim say's you left the bar at 10pm...where the hell are you!!


Answer the god damn phone Aurora.

"Shit." I mumble and look up at Andy. "I need to go."

"Aurora..." "No, Andy. Please...He's already pissed..."  I whispered the last part as Andy sighs and flags the waitress over, asking for the bill. Before I have a chance to pay for my food, Andy puts down some cash and stands up, offering me his hand. "Thank you, Andy." He nods and helps me out of the booth.

I just met up with Mel, we lost track of time.
I'm coming home, sorry.

Get home. Now.

"Just stop here, I'll walk." "Aurora." "Please, Andy..."Andy sighs and pulls off to the side. "Thank you for the ride and for dinner." I go to open the door but Andy grabs my arm. "Aurora, please leave him. I'll help you. You don't deserve to be treated like shit." I look deep into his blue eyes. I want to let him help me. I just don't know if I can. Nate was all I had. All I had known.

I gave Andy a sad smile. "Goodnight, Andy." I step out of the car and walk into my apartment unsure of what I'd even be walking into.

"Fucking finally! Where the hell were you??" Nate yelled as I walked inside. "Out with Mel, from the bar. I told you, just lost track of time." "Bullshit!" He yelled, pushing me up against the wall by my throat. "'Nate! Stop! You're hurting me." "If you ever go somewhere without telling me again, we're going to have a problem." He snapped. He let go and I caught my breath as I leaned against the wall. "I'm going to be in bed. Clean this shit up will you?" He motioned to the living room before he stumbled into our bedroom. I sighed and looked around the apartment at the empty beer cans and bottles, cigarette butts, cocaine residue, and trash.

I grabbed a trash bag and slowly cleaned up the area. I tied up the bag and set it by the door to take out on my way to work tomorrow. "Aurora?" Nate's voice carried through the apartment.


"I need you." Nate whined. I rolled my eyes slightly. "I'll be right there." I mumbled. Andy was right. I didn't deserve this. I fished the business card out of my purse. Barber & Associates Family Law. I put the number in my contacts and threw away the card. "Aurora!! Now!!"

"I'm coming!"

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