Chapter 17

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"Well look at you two getting along." I turned my head as I saw Andy approaching our table. Jake and I were laughing about something and I was definitely feeling the cocktails...I'd like to feel another...well never mind.

"I was just telling Aurora some jokes." Jake replied to his dad as he slid into the booth next to me and kissing my cheek.

"Any good ones?" Andy asked. "Oh tons!"

"Alright, let's hear one." Andy said, and then briefly turned to Jim to thank him for the whiskey being set down in front of him. "Okay," Jake smiled and took sip of his drink, non-alcoholic of course. "So, a man goes to the doctor, right. And as a part of his physical exam he asks he doctor for a sperm count." Andy raised his eyebrows at his son. "So the doctor gave the man a jar and said, 'Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.' The man nodded and went home. The next day the man came back to the doctors office and gave him the jar...which was clean and empty. So the doctor looks at him and asks why it's empty. The man says, 'listen doc...first I tried with my right hand and it didn't work. Then I tried with my left hand and it still didn't work!-'"

"Buddy..." Andy gave his son a disappointed look.

"Just let me finish! He goes, 'Then my wife tried her left hand and it still didn't work!'"

"Okay...Jake." I slapped Andy's arm, wanting to hear the rest of the joke. "'So then we called over the neighbor, and the neighbor tried with each of her hands and still nothing!' So the doctor looks at him confused and asks, 'You asked your neighbor?!' And then-"

"Jake, what the hell is this joke?" Andy asks. "Shh let him finish!" I playfully glared over at Andy.

"And then the man looks back at the doctor with a shrug and goes 'Yea. And still none of us could get that damn cap off.'" Jake smiled at us and I burst into laughter, curtsy of the alcohol running through my veins. Andy laughs along as well and shakes his head.

"Funny right!"

"It was son." Jake smiled and I leaned against Andy. "You have one funny kid." I mumbled. "And I think you have had one too many cocktails." I bit my tongue to avoid saying something dirty in front of Jake but damn was I thinking it. I mean he showed up in his suit with his tie slightly undone after a full day of lawyering. He was looking like a really hot dad I'd like to fuck right about now.

"No! Get the hell out of my fucking bar!" I heard Jim yell. Andy and I turned our heads only to see Nate stumbling into the bar, holding an almost empty bottle of whiskey. My heart rate shot up immediately. "OUT!" Jim yelled. Nate's eyes drifted across the bar and landed on mine, clearly ignoring Jim. "You." He mumbled, stumbling past tables and chairs as he walked towards us. Andy stood up and faced him. "Stay in the booth, Rory." He whispered. "Get the fuck away from don't deserve her." Nate growled. "Nate! Stay away from them! Gabby call the police!" I heard Jim bark.

"Get your son and get the hell out of this town. No one wants you here. Murderer." Nate pointed at Jake with the hand holding the bottle. My eyes widened and I got up out of the booth and pushed Andy aside. "What the fuck is wrong with you!!" I yelled.

"Did you know, Aurora? I did a little research on your new boyfriend here...Lots of good dirt to dig up. But this is my favorite...Your boyfriends son is a murderer! Hell, he probably is too..." Nate slurred. He looked around the bar waving his arms. "This man used to be one of the best ADA's in the Boston area...until his son was convicted of murdering one of his classmates." I felt all eyes in the bar land on us as Nate swayed on his feet, spewing information about Jacob's case.

"He did it too...all the evidence points to him. HE'S GUILTY!"

"NATHANIEL!" I shouted, storming up to him and slapping him across the face. He stumbled backwards for a second and I saw rage in his eyes. Andy was quick to grab me and pull me away from him. Nate held the bottle up to his cheek for a minute and laughed. "That was a cute slap, Rora."

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