Chapter 18

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I woke up that next morning pressed to Andy. He looked peaceful sleeping and so handsome. I ran my hand across his bare chest and pressed a kiss to his shoulder. He stirred slightly and his eyes slowly opened. "It's rude to stare." He mumbled.

"I can't help it. You're just that handsome." Andy's lips curved up into a smile and he looked at me. "I have some work to do today, but I'm going to do it from home." He said. "Okay." I wasn't going to argue with him and tell him I was fine...because I wasn't. I didn't want him to go. I had a feeling that was not the last we would see of Nate. Call it a gut feeling.

Andy stayed in bed longer than usual this morning before getting up and putting on sweats to go do some work in his office. "I'll order us all some breakfast from the diner so I don't torture you with my cooking." Andy smirked and leaned over the bed to give me a kiss. "Maybe I wanted toaster waffles...or burnt eggs..."

"Shut up!" Andy laughed. "How do you burn eggs...really Andy?"

"I'm a lawyer, not Gordon Ramsey." He mumbled, kissing me again. I watched him walk out of the room and then into Jake's room to get his breakfast order.

I soon made my way into the shower and then downstairs where Jake was sitting on the couch watching some morning TV and eating. "Morning Rory." He mumbled. "Hey..." I walked over to him and stood off to the side. "Are you gonna sit?"

"Jake are you alright?" I asked, just coming out with it. "Oh, uh..." He set his plate down in front of him and looked back over at me. "I'm okay." He gave me a small smile. "I just want to make sure you're okay with everything...after Nate's outburst."

"I sucked...but it's all public anyway and he hates my dad so I get he took it out on me." He whispered. "I'm so sorry..." "It's not your fault, Rory." I smiled at Jake and sat down next to him. It was quiet for a moment. A comfortable silence. "You don't think what Nate said was true do you?" Jake asked really quietly. "No! Of course not...Jake...I think you're a great kid. So smart and kind. I think very highly of you." I replied. I hated how he felt this way. He's too young to have to think about all of this. He should just be able to be a teenager. "I'm sorry Nate took his anger out on you. You didn't deserve that. It was a low blow and completely undeserved."

Jake gave me a small smile and a nod, "thanks, Aurora."

I gave him a smile and wandered into the kitchen to get the takeout Andy had ordered for me. I sat at the counter and ate quietly, scrolling on my phone until Andy walked in. "Good morning, again." Andy smiled, kissing my cheek. I smiled at him and put a forkful of eggs into my mouth. "So, I got your case pushed up." I raised my eyebrows and looked at him. "You did?"

Andy nodded, "I'm done with his shit. He's broken his restraining order two times now and who knows what else he will try."

There was a pause as I ate and Andy stood watching me. "Detective Blake called me as well and informed me that they released him this morning on bail..." He continued.

"Great." I mumbled. That was just want I wanted to hear. "You have nothing to worry about. I'll make sure he gets what he deserves." Andy said, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me. "I promise you. He'll never hurt you again." Andy kissed my cheek and I turned my head to give him a kiss on the lips. Andy let me continue my breakfast as he poured himself another cup of coffee. With one last kiss Andy disappeared back into his office to make a few calls. I made myself busy around the house, cleaning up a bit and helping Jake with more homework as needed.

"Yea I'll let her know...thank you for calling Detective." I looked over at Andy as he walked into the living room, hanging up his phone. "Detective Blake?" I asked. "Yea...Nate showed up at Jim's bar again." Andy let out a loud sigh and sat down on the couch next to me. "Was he looking for me?" I asked.

Andy nodded and leaned his head back on the couch. I laid my head on his shoulder and felt his arm drop around my shoulders. "I'm sorry with everything Nate has caused." I whispered. "You've done nothing wrong. I'm glad you're away from him." Andy kissed my temple. I wrapped my arms around his torso and gave him a squeeze. "I'm happy to be away from him too. And with you." Andy smiled and pulled me into a deep kiss.

I felt his tongue slip between my lips and he pushed me back onto the couch, hovering over me. I moaned softly into our kiss and ran my fingers through his hair. "Andy...Jake is upstairs..." I mumbled against his lips. "Then you better be quiet..." I felt him smirk against my lips before moving his kisses to my neck. I bit down hard on my bottom lip as he sucked on my sweet spot under my ear. My breathing quickened as he slid one hand up the t-shirt I was wearing and grabbed one of my breasts.

"Andy..." I moaned quietly, running my hands up his t-shirt. He pulled away from me, admired what I'm sure was a lovely purple and blue bruise on my neck. He quickly pulled his t-shirt over his head and dropped it onto the floor next to the couch before helping me out of mine. He let out a quiet groan once my shirt was on the floor and my chest exposed. "So beautiful." He mumbled, quickly placing his lips around one of my nipples. I gripped the back of his hair as his tongue swirled around the sensitive bud. "Andy..." I whispered. He gave the same attention to my other breast before pushing down my shorts and running two fingers through my folds.

My grip on his head tightened as he groaned against my skin. Andy slowly slid two fingers into me and a loudish moan escaped my lips. Andy was quick to press his lips against mine, swallowing the noise. "Shh.." He whispered, moving his fingers in and out of me. I tried hard to push his sweatpants down but he kept moving his hips away from me.

"Andy..." I whined. He smirked and pulled his hand out of my shorts and sat back. "God you look so pretty like this..." He licked his lips and pulled my shorts and panties down in one swift motion. Goosebumps covered my skin at the sudden exposure to the chilly air. Andy pulled down his own sweatpants and boxers next and hovered over me once again. Once again we were caught in a heated kiss as I felt his tip right at my entrance. My hands reached down and gripped him gently. He groaned into our kiss and let his hips grind against mine. His tip running through my wetness. "Fuck." Andy moaned.

In one quick motion, Andy pushed into me, bottoming out. "You always feel so good, baby." He groaned, dropping his head against my shoulder. I ran my nails down his bare back as he moved his hips against mine, slowly.

"Andy...harder..." I moaned softly. He didn't need to be told twice either. His hips snapped against mine hard and fast. So hard that the couch was squeaking against the wood floor with each of his thrusts. It felt so good that I had to bite down on the throw pillow my head was resting on to keep from moaning loudly. Meanwhile, Andy bit down on my shoulder to silence his moaning and grunting. That would surly be a bruise with teeth marks tomorrow. I didn't even care. The pleasure was too good.

My walls clenched around him, as he sent me over the edge. Andy followed shortly after and collapsed on top of me. We were both breathing heavily and I gently played with his hair as we relaxed.

"Hey dad?!" Jakes footsteps descended down the stairs.

"Shit." Andy mumbled, grabbing our t-shirts off the ground and pulling one quickly over my head and one quickly over his head. He pulled a blanket over my body and was in the process of pulling his sweatpants up when Jake screamed.

"OH MY GOD! SERIOUSLY?! YOU TWO ARE SO GROSS!!" He spun around and quickly ran up the stairs. Andy looked back at me and we burst out into laughter. "Oops, busted..."

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