Chapter 21

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It had been about a week. Andy and Jake had still be staying at my apartment, much to Jake's disappointment. The couch was comfy but he missed his bed. I don't blame him. I kind of missed Andy's bed. Not that mine wasn't comfortable, but his was just perfect. Jake had gone back to school and I had been working at the bar and there had been no sign of Nate.

There had been no progress on the flowers either. They knew it had to have been Nate but there was just no evidence. The flower shop said it was paid in all cash and their cameras didn't pick up the person. But based on the description they gave the police, it wasn't him who bought them in all cash anyway.

Andy was still on edge but a little more relaxed at the apartment knowing there was lots of cameras and security at the complex. And while he didn't like it when I was there alone when he was at work and Jake was at school, I assured him I would be fine. I chilled out on the couch for a while, catching up on tv shows and movies that I had missed while dating Nate who really only ever wanted to watch sports or stupid action movies.

There were so many good shows I'd been missing out on! My new favorite show was New Girl and I'd been catching up on it the past few weeks. Schmidt was easily my favorite. I popped a bowl of popcorn and got comfy on my couch until Jake got back from school. Tyler's mom was nice enough to drop him off here since the bus didn't exactly come here and Andy didn't want him walking this far.

"Aurora it's me!" Jake said as he walked into the apartment. "Hey Jake!" He appeared next to me on the couch with his bag and pulled out some homework. "I need more help with math if you can."

"Of course!" He pulled out a few worksheets and passed them to me so I could look them over. This was easy enough. I walked him through some of the problems and answered any questions he had regarding them. Once he started to figure it out, I went back to watching my show while he sat quietly and worked.

I checked the time on my phone and saw it was about time for me to go in for the closing shift. "Jake, you'll be good here until Andy gets home?" I asked. "Yea. No worries. Is he stopping at the bar?"

"Probably." I smiled, setting the remote down and walking into the bedroom to change. I slipped on a black body suit and some ripped jeans before completing the outfit with a black leather jacket and some black converse. I walked back out and saw Jake had already changed the channel. "Bye Jake!"


I grabbed my purse and walked out of the door, locking it behind me. It didn't take long for me to drive on over to the bar and start my shift. I smiled as a man sat down at the bar. He was young, probably around my age. "Hi! What can I get for you?" I asked him. "Can I get an old fashioned?" "Coming right up." I smiled, preparing his drink quickly and setting it in front of him.

"Thanks." He took a sip and leaned back on the stool. I continued going about my shift, noticing the man staring at me every once in a while.

I set down his third old fashioned and stared back at him. "Can I help you?" I snapped. "You look familiar." He shrugged, "where are you from?"

"Virginia." I said. He raised his eyebrows and huffed a laugh. "Now I know where I know you from. We went to highschool together. You were Nate Jacob's girl. Aurora." My whole body tensed as I realized, I knew exactly who this was.

His name was Pete. Pete Brenner. And he was one of Nate's closest friends in highschool. He took another sip of his drink. "Wow. It's been a while. How is he? You guys get hitched yet?"

"No, we um, we're not together anymore." I said. His eyebrows raised, "no shit? Wow. Didn't see that coming. I mean shit, you followed him out here...making your family hate you...only to break up?"

"Thanks for that." I mumbled, turning around and beginning to walk away. "Wait! I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that." I sighed and turned back towards him. I needed a drink. A strong one. "What have you been up too?" He asked. "Nothing much. Bartending here." I shrugged.

"That's it?"

"Yes, Pete. That's it. I couldn't afford college so I dropped out. This is all I do." I waved my hands around. "I mean whatever works for you, Rora."

"What are you even doing here??"

"Ah, I'm in sales. Some convention about selling shit." He lit a cigarette and took a drag, "Pharmaceuticals."

I was about to snap at him but turned my attention to the opening door. Saved by the bell. Andy walked in and his brows furrowed as he saw the man sat in front of me. He took his usual seat and I started pouring his whisky, neat. As always. I set it in front of him and he gave me a smile, "thanks, sweetheart." He leaned forwards and gave me a quick kiss.

Pete eyed us both and he raised his eyebrows. "I see you moved on then."

"It's really none of your business, Brenner." I snapped. He raised his hands in defense and I looked back at Andy. "Who is this?" Andy asked. "Pete Brenner, Rora and I go way back." Pete obnoxiously held out his hand to Andy. Andy took it and shook it slowly. "Andrew Barber."

"So how do you two know each other." He questioned, taking another drag from the cigarette that he shouldn't be smoking inside.

"Andy is my boyfriend."

"Interesting. How old are you?" My eyes widened and I glared at him. "Pete! What the fuck?"

He shrugged, "it's a valid question."

"Not that I have to tell you, but I'm 36." Andy replied, clearing his throat. Pete's mouth opened but Andy cut him off, "And before you ask, I'm a lawyer."

"Wow! Marrying for money, huh, Rora?" Oh my god. "Okay, get out." I pointed towards the door and he laughed. "Oh come on, it was a joke. Don't have stick up your ass." He tried to defend himself but I stared him down. "Either walk out willingly or I'll get those men over there to throw you out." I pointed at the table of really large bikers that would do anything for their favorite bartender. Pete glared at me and finished off his drink before storming out of the bar.

"He was fun." Andy mumbled, taking a sip of his drink and smirking at me. "God, I'm sorry. I don't even know why he's here...I went to highschool with him. He was friends with Nate." I ran my hands over my face and groaned. "Rory..." "He's harmless, Andy. I promise. As far as I know they haven't spoken since Nate and I left Virginia." I said. Andy sighed and I placed my hand on top of his. "Hey, I'm okay. Promise."

Andy shook his head and looked down at our hands, "I mean he didn't seem terrible. Just a little obnoxious." "Yea, he always has been." I sighed. My eyes caught a couple people in need of drinks, so I gave Andy a kiss on the cheek and took a few beer bottles to various customers.

Pete's POV

I sat in the car, staring at the bar I just stormed out of with my cellphone to my ear. "Pete?"

"Yea. She's in there and with that lawyer prick too. Just like you said. I'll see what else I can find out."

"Thanks man, I owe you one."

"No problem, Nate. Just make sure I get paid."

A/N: Originally the character was named Ryan but then I watched Pain Hustlers and decided to make him Pete Brenner because why not 😂

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