Chapter 13

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"Hello Jim!" I smiled as I greeted him at the start of my shift. "Aurora, you seem bubbly today." He said, closing the register and turning towards me. "I am. I'm going to tell Andy I'm ready to take the next step in our relationship tonight. He's taking me out to dinner." Jim smiled and nodded his head. "I'm happy for you, Rory."

I smiled at him and started taking some drink orders. "I'll be in the back if you need me. Mel will be in late today." I nodded and continued moving around the bar, pouring beer and mixing drinks.

It had been a few hours but Mel eventually showed up with sunglasses over her eyes. "You look hungover, Mel." "Fuck off." She mumbled as I laughed. "I went out last night and I think something got slipped in my drink because I swear I did not drink that much." She said. "Are you sure? When you drink, you drink." I laughed. She groaned again and started pouring a few beers for some customers.

We continued working together until our shift started to come to a close. "I'm gonna head out early Jim, that okay?" I asked, poking my head in his office. "Sure! Be safe!" "Thanks. I drove here today so no need to worry about me walking home." He waved me off and I said goodbye to some of the regulars and Mel before practically skipping to my car.

My mood was immediately soured when I saw just who was leaning against it. "Cody..."

"I promise I'm not here about Nate..." He held up his hands and I sighed. "What do you want?"

"I just want to apologize. For everything. I didn't know he hit you, Rory..." I looked down at my hands and fiddled with the car keys. "I'm truly sorry for any hurtful thing I may have said to you in the past. I was being a fucking ass. I trusted Nate and the things he said...but I never imagined he would be capable of acting like that. Especially towards you." I looked up and my eyes met his and he truly looked apologetic. "Thank you, Cody." I said softly.

"I confronted him. He didn't even lie about it. Brian and I decided that we didn't want to be friends with someone like that, and then he got dropped from the frat. I know it doesn't make up for anything or excuse our behavior but I just want you to know we never would have supported that if we really knew what was going on. I hope you find everything your looking for Rory." He gave me a small smile and I nodded. "Thank you."

"I'll leave you alone now. I just needed to tell you I was sorry. I really am." He gave me one last look and walked away from me and towards his own car. I took a shaky breath in and got into my car.

I drove back to my apartment quickly, in silence. Not even the radio was on. I finally made it back to my apartment and walked inside. I wasn't expecting that. I didn't know what to think or feel really. I was just kind of numb. I plopped down on my couch and curled up under a blanket.

"Aurora?" I heard Andy's voice travel through the apartment. I didn't reply. "Rory?" His footsteps got closer and he looked over at me on the couch. "Rory? What's wrong?" I felt the cushion dip near my legs and his hand push some hair out of my face. "I ran into Cody after work." I replied.

"What did he say to you?" Andy's voice got slightly defensive but I shook my head. "Nothing bad. He actually apologized but it's just ruined my mood. I know we were supposed to go to dinner, I'm sorry." I turned over and looked into his baby blue eyes. He was still in his suit from work. "Hey, don't apologize. We can change our plans. How about we order in?" He pushed another strand of hair behind my ear. "Can we?"

"Of course, I'll order us some food. Chinese? Italian? Greasy fast food?"

"Fast food." I mumbled. Andy laughed slightly and leaned forwards to press a kiss to my forehead. "Fast food it is."

"I'm sorry for ruining our plans." I said as Andy ordered us food from his phone. "Aurora, it's fine, seriously. If you don't want to go out, you don't want to go out." Andy set his phone down on the coffee table and reached forwards to grab the TV remote, turning it on and turning on some random show. "I'll be right back, okay?" He stood up and walked into my room, probably to change into something more comfortable.

He came back out a few minutes later in a t-shirt and sweatpants and laid down behind me on the couch. I turned around in his arms and ran my fingers through his hand and down his beard, like I always do. "I was looking forwards to tonight. I'm sorry."

"Rory, stop apologizing to me. I promise, it's fine. I just wanna make sure you're feeling okay." I laid my head on his chest and he kissed my head. Our food got here shortly and Andy brought it over to the couch. I sat up and cuddled in his side as I ate. One I was done, I looked over at Andy and smiled as I took in his features. He was so handsome. He glanced at me and smiled before looking back at the TV.

"Hey, Andy?"

"What's up?" His attention was solely on me as he gazed into my eyes.

"I want to be your girlfriend. Officially." I said, looking into his bright blue eyes. They sparkled slightly and he lunged forwards to capture my lips in a kiss. "Are you sure?" He whispered, a big smile on his face. "I'm sure. I've never been more sure." I said, running my fingers through his hair. He kissed me again passionately and then peppered kisses all over my face. I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me into his lap. "I'm not letting you go so it's a good thing Jake is spending the night at Tyler's." Andy said, kissing my shoulder and then cheek.

I leaned against him as he rubbed small circles on my thigh. The moment was pure bliss. I was happy for the first time in a long time and it was all because of Andy. All because he decided to pack up and move to Colorado for a fresh start. All because he walked into my bar that day, asking for whiskey. "Thank you." I whispered. "For what?" I felt Andy's lips against my cheek and I smiled. "For being patient with me. For being so understanding. And most importantly, for making me happy. It feels really good to finally be happy."

Andy kissed me gently as I held onto him. "You deserve to be happy, Aurora. And I'm glad I'm the one that get's to put a smile on your face." I kissed him again and got off of his lap, going into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of champagne from my fridge. I brought it, with two champagne flutes, over to the couch and sat back down next to Andy. "What's the occasion." He smirked and I held up the bottle, popping the cork off. I poured us each a glass and handed one to Andy.

"To new beginnings." I held up my glass and clinked it with his. He smiled and looked me in the eyes with a smile, "To new beginnings."

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