Insanity without them

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×*Purple POV*×

Purple left red and went into the living room were the others were. SC sat on the couch, head in hands, yellow sat beside him and patted his back, and blue was examining Reuben.
Yellow looked up at purple.
"Morning." She said.
"Hey, have you seen green."
"No, isn't she up in her room?"
"No! I don't know were she is!"
He felt a wave up anxiety, and yellow could tell. She came over and patted his shoulder.
"We'll find her, don't worry."
Purple smiled at her and nodded before running back up to his room and crashing on the floor.


°•Red POV•°

Red slammed her hand down on her dresser. She was still crying and mad at SC.
Why did I ever think he was nice?! This is his fault! He'll pay!
She cept telling herself. She was so mad she wasn't thinking straight.
Just as more tears fell down her face, she heard a knock on her door. Opening it just crack, she saw SC. Before she knew what she was doing she flung the door open and grabbed him buy the neck, push him up against the wall on the other side of the hall.
He gasped, clearly taken by surprise. Red held him there, visions of purple flashed through her mind. He closed the door to his room and fell to the floor, gasping for air as tears fell from his eyes. Red picked up SC and threw him against the ground then rushed to purple's room. Sure enough, purple crouched on the ground crying. Red closed the door and locked it so SC wouldn't come in. She bent down and put her hand on purple's back, letting her own tears fall.

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now