Pepper and Purple

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[My drawing of Pepper ^]

°•Reds POV•°

Two days pasted since the nightmare. Red could barely get sleep. Every time she closed her eyes the images came flooding back. SC had seemed to notice something was off with red. He cept asking her if she felt ok. Green had been gone for two days, too. Purple was getting very anxious. He spent less and less time down with the others.

Night came again and red lay wide awake in her bed. She'd been waiting forever for a message from Blaze. There was a knock on the mirror, it was rather urgent sounding. Red went over to Blaze.
"Red! You've got to stop purple! You know that dream you had? Well it was real. If you don't stop purple from running away, it will become real!"
"Woah woah woah. Calm down. So your telling me that the dream I had is real? There's a... Room of blood out there?"
"No one knows for sure. The only thing that's really known is that person is real. His name is Alleycat. He's out to kill. Driven insane over the years by something or someone."
"Oof." Red shivered.
"Go check with purple. Now."
Red nodded and exited the room. She rushed to purple. Without even bothering to knock, she went in. Purple kneeled at the side of the bed. His window was open. He was shocked to see red and quickly jumped up.
"Purple you can't leave." Red ran to his window and closed it. Purple sat on his bed and scowled at her.
"How'd you know?"
"I have my ways. Listen you can't leave! I know you miss green and it's driving you mad, but you CAN'T go!"
"There's someone out there. Blood thirsty."
Purple narrowed his eyes.
"Still don't trust me?"
Red huffed. She stared at him.
"Green will be back."
Purple stared back. It took a few minutes, but the dam finally broke. He fell back on his bed and cried.
"Why did she leave?! I need her!"
Red looked at the helpless soul. Finally she gave in.
"Alright, you win. Wanna see green?"
Purple sat up at looked at red like she was insane.
"See green? But she's not here..."
"Just... It's to hard to explain. Follow me to my room, and you'll see green."
Purple jumped up off his bed. He still seemed hesitant, but followed anyway.

Once in reds room, red knocked on the mirror. Purple looked at red like she was insane, but didn't say anything. A few seconds passed and no one came. Red was about to give up hope when a person jump into view. Red nearly screamed. A black stick figure with white eyes and swirling shadows appeared.
"Pepper! You know better! This girls experienced enough, she's seen your father!"
"Oh! Oh I'm sorry!"
Red got up to her feet again.
"It's alright, just scarred by memories of Alleycat."
"Yea, my dad's a creep."
"Enough chit chat. Red what's wrong? Did you- purple?"
"Yes, sorry for not asking before. Purple wants to see green."
Blaze starred at red for a few minutes before agreeing. The mirror went blank as Blaze fetched green. Blaze returned seconds later with her.
"Green!" Purpled nearly knocked the mirror over with joy.

540 words
Yay! Purple found green!

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now