More vanishings

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°•Reds POV•°

"Listen purple, we can't tell anyone about were we are going. The least we can do is leave this note out for them to read. SC knows were the void is, maybe he'll understand."
Purple nodded as red opened the window. Both hopped out.
Once they had gotten far enough from the house red stopped. She had experimented some on how to get in the dark void. She clapped twice and then made a circle with her hand. A black hole opened. Red went first then purple followed. Once through, red once again put out her senses to see if she could find the correct direction to green. Once she found it, she led purple to green.

"Were very close. You should be alert and ready for anything. The person who has green captive is probably armed."
"We shoulda brought weapons..."
Red didn't speak but she knew she had forgotten that. But because she still had powers, they could be a bit more safe.
Together they moved closer to greens cage. It was now in view and you could see the faintest bit of green. As they drew closer they could also hear a person, the same person red had heard before. Red recognized the voice, it was GG.
"Oh goodness... GG's got green captive..."
"GG, the person who possessed me."
"What?!-" purple accidently yelled, "oop..."
They raced over to the cage green was in and tried to hide. Of course green noticed them.
"Purple, red!" She whispered, "You gotta get out of here, she'll kill you!"
"And she'll do the same to you! We're not going till we get you out!"
"I hear you red." This time GG spoke, "And greens right, you should run. But green, reds also right, I'll kill you if you're not released. So make your decisions, run without green or all of you will die!"
GG now was standing about a yard from the cage. Red and purple couldn't hide anymore and they weren't sure what to do. Of course purple was anxious to save green, but GG had lots of power, if this wasn't planned right, it wouldn't end well. Red looked at the beat green and then back at GG. She stood up.
"We're not leaving without green."


SC had gone back downstairs after trying to apologize to red.
Clearly red wouldn't forgive him that easily. He felt horrible. He wanted to get reds forgiveness before anything happened.
He had also known that purple wasn't doing to good either, now that green had disappeared. He had noticed red run into purple's room right after there tackle.
He had ment to check in with purple, but now he didn't feel like it.
Once he had gone back downstairs he overheard yellow and blue talking.
"We have to find green!"
"We will. I'm sure purple will start looking soon, we can go talk to him bout this soon, first give him some time, he's really anxious."
"All the more reason to go talk to him now!"
SC entered the kitchen. Blue sat up on the counter and yellow was washing the dishes. Blue was the first to notice SC.
"Red forgive you?"
"To bad. Did you check in with purple? Is he ok?"
"Um, I don't know..."
"You mean you didn't talk to him?! I'm going up there!"
Blue hopped off the counter, and before anyone could stop him, he was gone. Yellow placed a dish to the side and went up after him, waving for SC to follow.
Once they were up they could hear blue doing something and making a mess. Looking in the door, SC noticed right away that purple and red were not in the room, and that the window was open. Blue was frantic. Yellow ran over to him. SC noticed a paper on greens bed. Picking it up, he read 'void'. Void... The dark void? That's was the only thing that came to mind. Was it right? Was everyone in the void?
He also noticed blood on the bed and ground. Clearly green was in trouble, and if green was in trouble and in the void, and the others had gone in after him, they were all in trouble. Some how he needed to find a way to get to them. But how? How had red and purple even gone there? Looking out of the window he saw only files.
"Gather some weapons," he told the others, "I know were they are, and we will need to fight to get to them."

759 words
Noice! Alright this is barley anything, ok? It's just the start. Besides we still need to hear from Blaze! Ok I'ma spoil if I keep going! Bye 4 now

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now