In the Shadows of the Void

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After about five minutes red got up and went over to greens bed. She examined it for any trace's of what had happened to green.
The bed was a mess, clearly she had struggled. Pulling the blankets to the side, she uncovered a drop of blood. She glanced at purple, who now sat on his bed. He saw her and asked,
"Find anything?"
"Uh, nothing important."
Purple sighed and red returned to looking. She got on her knees and examined the ground around the bed for anything. At the foot of the bed she saw more blood, a necklace, and a piece of paper. She pulled out the necklace and held it out for purple. He grabbed the necklace and gasped. The back was covered in blood. Red sighed and unfolded the small paper. It read 'void'. Reds eyes opened wide, she knew were green was!
She made her eye sight go out of the house and out of the computer to the dark void. She searched corner after corner of the void. She was about to give up when she heard a voice. Directing her attention to the place the sound came from, she noticed a cage. Once she was closer she saw green. She was covered in scars and she looked scared. Red tried to understand what the voice was saying but it was all a mess.
"Green..." She whispered. Green jumped and looked around the cage. Red heard the footsteps behind her. She quickly came back to purple's room, a bit to quick.
She fell down. Purple looked at her concerned.
"Who were you talking to?"
"I know were green is!"

278 words
Short, I know
Sorry I was really busy this week, but I have plans to make this book long and gory 😉

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now