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Red×TSC, Blue×Yellow, Green×Purple
I'm going to add a part to this story thats rather bl0ody, so be warned
*Grammar mistake s
I'm a bad speller, and sometimes I don't know what to put so I put something kinda weird
*Gender mix up
Red-Girl, TSC-Guy, Green-Girl, Blue-Guy, Yellow-Girl, Purple-Guy
I may mess up and call red a him or purple a her, or green a him or TSC a her, but just remember what there gender is

Also Im bad at third, first, and second person stuff, so my stories might be a little wonky

Songs that fit: Just a little nightmare -Chewiecatt: Gut room,
Nightmare -7clouds: also Gut room

Main character: Red
Side main character(s): Green, Purple

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now