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°•Red POV•°

Red had waited all day to talk to maroon, finally it was time. She closed the door to her room and turned off the lights then walked over to her mirror. She knocked on the glass.
"Hold up!"
She heard someone say. A few seconds later maroon appeared.
"What's up, kiddo."
"Hi, um... No one was believing me today when I said that green called and told me she was safe, I'm not sure what to do."
"Well... I have an idea. I'm going to get green and you can record her saying she's fine, ok? And then pretend she sent it to you."
Red nodded. She pulled out her phone and got on the camera. Maroon went and got green.
"Red!! Oh it's good to see you! How's purple, how's everyone?!"
"There'll be time for that later. Red got your camera--red nodded-- alright good. Ok green tell em your fine."
Maroon disappeared from the mirror and green was left.
"Ok go." Red whispered
"Hi guys! I'm guessing you probably didn't trust red earlier, just wanted to tell y'all that I'm safe and I'll be home soon as possible! I have something I need to do... Stay safe!"
Red ended the video and maroon hopped back onto the mirror.
"Ok!! Show em that tomorrow then. Now you can chat."
She whispered something to green and green nodded, then maroon was gone again. It was awkward for a few minutes until red spoke up.
"So green... What are you doing exactly?"
"Um well Blaze, maroons name is blaze btw, has a, uh, quest for me. I'm not really supposed to tell anyone about it, sorry. How's purple?"
"He wasn't hangt around much today, mostly up in your room. He didn't look at me at all either, even when I spoke to him. He doesn't trust me.
"Hm, well... Can I make a little video just for him? So he trusts you, and so he knows... That I'm still here for him."
Green recorded herself for purple. Red couldn't help but notice how her eyes were sad when she talked about purple, and the way she record the message, clearly she cared for him very much. Once she finished her message, red looked at the time. 10:30!
"I'm going to get some sleep! You probably should too."
"Oh uh yea, sleep..."
There was a awkward silence again, and something seem off.
"Ok listen," green finally said, "Were I am, there's no such thing as sleep. It's driving me insane! But here's another thing..." Greens voice grew to a whisper, "I over heard Blaze saying something about taking over the world, I don't know, I don't get it, but she wants to keep tracking you for some reason..."
Red hesitated. Track her? What did that mean? Blaze was stalking her? She was about ask when she noticed that green had gone. She was alone now. She looked around the room. Something still felt off. She fell down on to her bed. About an hour later she finally fell asleep.

511 words
So does this mean maroon is bad? Guess will nvr know...

Jk! You'll find out eventually

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now