Unburry and recovery

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[🩸 Warning]

°•Reds POV•°

I felt a weight over top off me become loose. I tried to stand and felt pain stab through my hand. Looking down at myself I realized I was covered in blood. My hand looked disoriented and broken. It felt broken. SC struggled to stand too. He had more cuts then me and blood was streaming from them. I looked around for the others but they were still buried. I helped SC up and then we carful dug for the others.
"Pepper said there not dead."
Red said pulling a piece of sharp broken wood out of the mess. The rest gave away. Green gasped for air and sat up. Purple lay next to her. SC frantically dug for blue and yellow. Once everyone was uncovered they tried to get over to some place safe. Sirens were sounding all around. Some builds had lit on fire and others were crumpled, just like there hotel. A ambulance stop and a man stepped out.
"Do you need help?"
SC nodded. The man radioed for another ambulance. Red heard someone reporting on the crushed buildings. She looked to her right and saw a man being recorded.


I heard the man talking to my right. A news broadcaster was talking about the damage. I left the others and went to him.
"Some short of earthquake must have caused this."
SC tapped his shoulder. The man turned to him and saw his cuts.
"Oh man! It looks like you've been caught in this. What your take on the what happened?"
SC breathed in and then explained.
"A monster. It rose out of the sea and 8:47 this morning. It was controlled by someone. It was told to find someone and destroy them. Those people who are meant to be hurt are us."
SC pointed to the others.
"And do you know who this person is?"
Red came over.
"Yes. But it's not for the news to care about."
Red nodded at SC and they left the news man. The other ambulance arrived and took red, SC, and yellow. Purple, blue, and green were stuffed into the first ambulance.

•~Blazes POV~•

"They told the news?!"
Ivyn hit the couch with his fist.
"Yeah, whatever. Red didn't tell them our names. Besides what do the news care if we kill off some stick people."
Blaze rolled her eyes.
Crystal stammered.
"They'll been watching them right?"
Blaze said.
"I know what's going to happen, just follow what I say. Tomorrow we will find them."
"Why do what to kill them so bad?"
Pepper stepped into the light.
"Funny you show up now. I heard you earlier."
Blaze said, giving her the death stare. She stood and faced Pepper.
"And you were right to say you might never see them again."
With that, Blaze jumped at Pepper.


I woke up with a head ache. Slowly I looked around. I was alone in the hospital room. My body was covered in badges. Slowly I sat up. An alarm went off. A nurse rushed in.
"You moved your IV, hun. Try not to do that or it'll set off that alarm again."
"When can I go?"
Second asked impatiently.
"Doctor will tell ya that when he comes to see ya."
"And when will that be?"
"Soon, matter fact, in bout three minutes."
She did something with the IV and then left. SC let his head fall back down to his pillows. Three minutes later the doctor came in.
He looked at SC and said some stuff. Then motioned with his hand.
"Your free to go as soon as we have some papers filled and you get your medicines."
After everything was signed SC left the hospital room. He set off to find red and the rest of the gang. He checked in with other nurses and asked for a red stick figures room. He got the directions from an older nurse on the second floor.
"Third floor room 5, ask for help. I can take you if you'd like."
"Oh yes please ma'am, thank you."
SC followed the woman to the room.
"There ya go son. This your girlfriend?"
"No. Just a close friend, we've gone through a lot together."
"Looks like it. See you later."
She left him by the door.
"Don't count on it." SC murmured under his breath. He went in the room and saw red. Yellow and blue stood by the bed. Red was sitting up and looked well.
"Hi SC!"
Yellow said, smiling. Red and yellows arms were in a cast and everyone was bandaged. Red turned to him.
"Hi!! You look beat."
SC came over to were the others stood.
"I could say the same to you."
"Yeah well, it's not as bad thanks to you protecting me."
Blue giggled.
"It's funny that both the girls broke there arms even though we were protecting them."
Yellow covered her mouth to hide her smile.
"Not really funny."
Red grumbled.
Yellow and blue stopped laugh.
Yellow said.
"I just want out of this room. I want to know what Blaze is up to. I want to know were purple and green are and if there ok."
SC nodded.
"I'll call a nurse and get you out of here."
SC left the room.

"-Yellows POV-"

Red was grouchy. Probably really worried. Something was up.
"Blue can you go see if you can you can find green and purple?"
Blue nodded and also left the room. It was just the sisters now.
"Red... What's wrong? I know something's up, and you know you can't hide it from your own sister."
Red let out a sigh.
"I'm worried something's coming... And someone's going to die. I just know it! I'm worried it will be..."
"Be who?"
Red whispered and hid her head in her hands. A smile crept across yellows face.
"You should tell him how you feel. I'll stop teasing you if you do it."
Yellow watched Red as she starred at the wall. Before red answered, a nurse came in with SC following behind. Red was told to sign some paper. Then she was told she could leave. Yellow walked with SC and red out of the room. Yellow caught reds eyes and mouthed 'do it!' Red closed her eyes and then looked up at SC.
"Errr... SC..."
Yellow tried to hold back her smile.
"... I... I love you!"
She covered her head with her hands. SC was shocked and yellow giggled.
"So," she said catching her breath, "what do you say SC?"
SC looked red in her eyes.
"I love you to."
Yellow let out a squeal. Red looked at her, embarrassed.
"Now I dare you to say that to blue!" Yellows cheeks flushed.
"Rude, but fine."
She put her hands on her hips and a smile slowly cross her face.

1136 words
You know I just have to add a lovey chapter 🥰
If you don't like the love, I'm sorry. Don't worry the next chapter isnt very lovey

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now