Caged in

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°•Red POV•°

"Very well, you've made your decision."
GG grabbed red and held her in mid air by her neck. Red fought back. She threw fire at GG, but it seemed to not affect her. After a few more failed attempts, purple head budded GG. Red fell to the floor and saw purple holding down GG. Red got up and raced over to him.
"You think I'm that week?!" GG snapped. She grabbed purple's leg and twisted it the wrong way. Purple howled and fell down, releasing GG. She pushed red back against the cage green was in. She put out her hands and opened another cage door. She threw red inside and held purple up in the air so he couldn't do anything. She Closed the door to reds cage and then opened another one right next to it and threw purple in. The were trapped.


With yellows help, TSC tracked down the entrance to the void. Now they were in.
They could hear yelling from all corners of the void. It was clear that someone was in trouble. Yellow had brought multiple different tech's. She held one out and it tracked down the path red and purple had taken. They followed it.
Once they had gotten closer they saw purple and red fighting some other person.
"Ok, blue and yellow you surprise that pink stick from the back, I'll come up and fight beside purple and red. Got it?"
They nodded and snuck off. SC went as far out in to the darkness as possible so that he wouldn't be seen. Pulling out is weapons he closed in on the others. But he was to late. He watched as the pink stick made purple and red levitate and then threw them into cages. He jumped out of his hiding as Blue and yellow attacked from the back. They pinned the person down. TSC turned his focus to unlocking the cages. He messed with greens till he got it unlocked. Green jumped out and hurried to unlock the others. Once everyone was out they approached the pink stick. Red seemed to know who it was.
"You've been beaten GG. Please just leave me and my friends alone and we won't finish you."
"You think I would try and kill you?! I just wanted to make you stronger. You'll never be strong enough."
With that, GG closed her eyes forever.

404 words!
Yea! GG is dead! But she so rude for calling them week. 😉

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now