Gut room

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°•Red POV•°

(🩸 Warning)

Red found herself standing in a cold alley way. Everything was silent, a deadly kind of silent. She moved farther into the alley. A disgusting smell became stronger and stronger. She came upon a door at the very back. It was already slightly open, so she only had to give it a small push to have it open fully. Stepping inside, she couldn't make out anything in the darkness. As her eyes adjusted to the black, she realised she stood in a room covered in red liquid. Her eyes widened. All around her was disgusting. The door behind her swung shut. She tried to push it open, but it was stuck. In front she heard a squish. Turning slowly, she saw something in the corner of the room. A person, no, people. One lay on the ground, covered in blood. Over top a person covered in a swirling mess of shadows had some sort of thick vine stabbed threw the other. Red looked closer and noticed the person who was stabbed was purple! She tried to hide in the back, but the person saw her move. There eyes were a bright white and blood thirsty. Red coward under there watch. The person stepped over purple and moved towards red. They brought the vine up to reds throat. "Is this really how you want things to end?" The person whispered in a dark, dry voice

Red awoke. She was sweating harder then ever.
"Just a nightmare..." She whispered to herself.

254 words
Ok, just a nightmare. Told you it was coming, bet you didn't take me serious. I'd go deeper with explaining, but I don't want to get caught, imagine what you want with this :)

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now