Gone again

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×*Purple POV*×

I awoke still feeling sore from the fight yesterday. I got out of bed and stretched.
"Green? You awake yet?"
I looked around the wall that separated our rooms to see she wasn't in her bed. Of course, the first thing that came to me was worry that she had gone again. I dressed quick and ran down to the others. Red popped her head out from around the corner.
"Have you seen green?!"
"That's just what I wanted to talk to you about, I know she's gone again, but it's ok. She called me."
"She called you?! Why wouldn't she call me, or tell me for that matter!?"
"I don't know, but it's ok. She's safe."
"Do you know were she is?"
"Uh... No... But she's safe, ok? That's about as much as she wants me to tell you."
I stared at red for a few seconds. 'she's hiding something. There's no way that's the full truth.' I nodded at red and turned to go back upstairs.

°•Red POV•°

Red stared at purple as he left the hall. 'He doesn't believe me. I hope he trusts me that green is safe, that's not a lie.' Red turned back to the living room were SC, blue, and yellow sat. They all were looking at her.
"So, what did he say?" SC asked
"Oh, greens gone again."
"And your so calm about that?!" Blue looked shocked.
"Yes, green called me and told me that she had to do something, she won't be back for at least five days..."
"Why would she do something right after she nearly died?!"
SC got up off the couch and came over to red. He pulled out reds phone. Reds was nervous. She had lied that green had called, SC was probably about to point it out. She held her breath.
"You dropped this." He handed her the phone and red let out her breath. She took the phone. SC winked at her then turned and went back to the couch. 'He knows. Thank for not saying anything.'
Blue was still looking at red with narrowed eyes. He didn't trust her either. She was gonna have to talk to maroon again, sooner or later, the truth was going to get out. Red stilled didn't exactly know what green was doing. How could she trust maroon? What if she was in trouble again? She would have to ask maroon that night, but until then, she would keep an eye on purple.

417 words

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now