caddistrophic creature

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[the creature looks almost exactly like that one in the image, just way bigger]


SC saw blood drop to the ground. Franticly, he called over blue.
"It's getting worse. She shouldn't stay out here, it could get even more worse, even possible death."
"You can't let her die! "
"We'll try our best, now get her inside we'll be right in. "
TSC grabbed red in his arms and ran for there hotel. Once inside, he laid her on the closest bed. The blood had stopped dripping from her mouth and she seemed to have fallen asleep. SC hopped that sleep wouldn't run on forever. He sat down next to her and cried.

SC hadn't eaten anything, he didn't feel hungry. He stayed with red the rest of the day. She was off and on. She would wake up and her eyes would be clear or she would wake up in excruciating pain. Blue and yellow had messed around concocting potions and anything that might help. But nothing worked. SC sat and cried. He was scared. Yellow had given up hope and had also been crying. Blue was taking care of her now. SC hadn't seen purple. He would have went to look for him, but he didn't want to leave red. Just then her eyes opened. They were clear.
"Red? Can you hear me? "
"Yea... "
Red managed to say.
"What happened? We're does it hurt? "
Another groan.
"All over... Mostly my stomach... I want to throw up, but I can'ttt..."
Her voice trailed off and she fell asleep again. SC was tired. He had had to much happen to him today. This was supposed to be a vacation. He lay down and stared at the wall. He seemed to not have anymore tears to cry, but he still had worry. He fell asleep worried.

Later that night he awoke to a loud crash from in their room. Red grabbed his arm.
"What was that? "
SC noticed red looked better, but very scared. The room was dark. Much to dark to see. He reached out for the lamp. The light filled the room and SC looked around. Nothing. A glass bottle lay on the ground broken in tiny sards.
"Is anyone here? "
"As if there gonna give themselves away. "
Red whispered. SC got up and examined the room. Still nothing.
"Whatever it was, it is gone now."
He flicked the light off. Another crash. This time it came from the living room. The room seemed to vibrate for a second.
"Some things out there. "
Red whimpered and clung to seconds arm again. More time passed and again nothing moved.
Someone said, nearly giving red and SC a heart attack. Red looked around the room and SC followed get gaze.
Red gasped. SC recognize the name as the person red had talked about who 'lived in her mirror'.
"Sorry to scare you like that," pepper said, "but you got to be warned. The reason those vases broke was because there something out there. Blaze is coming. She wants you, but knows you will refuse. She's trying to weaken you by hurting you. She's the one who poisoned the water. Now she sending a monster. It is as tall as the space needle. (which is a tower in Washington, Seattle.) It's paws are powerful and can crush whole buildings."
"And that monster is coming?! When? And aren't you working with Blaze!? "
Red asked.
"The monster will arrive sometime around 8 ish 9 ish tomorrow morning. And no, I'm not working with Blaze. I live with her, but I don't agree with what she is doing."
"So, there's a monster. You know when it's coming, do you know if we will die? "
"You won't die, but will be badly injured. Blazes plan is to weaken you and then attack. I will try my hardest to distract her. I'm willing to die to save you guys."
Red and SC eyes went wide.
"Die for us?! But you barely know us! "
"Does that limit kindness? I'm willing to take the risk. But I have to go, and this could be my last goodbye."
Then she was gone. Red fell on the bed and cried.
"Thats pure kindness. I've never seen anyone willing to risk there life for someone they barely know."
SC said, shaking his head.

°•Red POV•°

The next morning I awoke and didn't feel any pain in my gut. I still felt weak, but I didn't hurt anymore. I sat up and woke up SC, who is a rather sound sleeper.
"I don't feel sick anymore! "
SC sat up. His eyes glittered. He lunged at red and hugged her. Red laughed.
"Be careful, she's still fragile. "
Red and SC looked up to see blue at the door. He smiled. Then the house shook. Red remember pepper and what she had said. Quickly she got off the bed and looked out the window. The clouds were grey and covered the sun. The ocean was still purple, but you could see something moving about in the waves. A large animal moved around. It was only 7:34 and the animal still seemed far out in the ocean. You could see the tips of its ears and it's tail moved about it the water. It's eyes shone under the water like very bright and big flashlights. Red shivered. SC pulled her away from the window. They quickly told blue about the monster and what was coming. They woke the others and explained while they ate.
"There's no way we can fight it. It can destroy whole buildings, it would be unfazed even if we tried to fight it."
SC said.
A loud rumble shook the house, harden the ever before. Red looked at the time. 8:47. She heard a boom and a loud shater.
The monster was destroying the builds all around there house. Quickly they all dashed under a object. Red went under the kitchen table with SC, blue and yellow went under a table in the living room, and green and purple hid under the sofa. The monsters blinding eyes shone through there windows and even made them crack and splinter. The house shook violently. SC pulled red close to protect her. A loud crashing came from upstairs. The ceiling caved in. Red closed her eyes as the table snapped. Loud crashings came from all around. Sharp objects scratched and cut her. Something fell on her head. Everything went black.

1073 words
Few that was a long one. Blaze is really out to get 'em. I've also been reading to many Left Behind books.

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