Waves of Poison

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°•Red POV•°

Red stepped into water. The waves were rather large. She waded in past the 'crash zone'. She tried to float in the water but a wave crashed into her. She was about to go under but someone caught her.
"Trying to float huh?"
Red looked up to see SC.
"Uh yeah, stupid I know."
She rolled her eyes.
"Hmm... Let's have some sort of race..."
"How bout we see who can make it back to shore fastest?"
"Sure! Bet I'll win!"
SC counted down from three. Once he hit one, they started off. Red was behind. A wave crashed down on her and brought her under. She tried to break to the surface but something seemed to hold her down. She swallowed a mouth full of sea water and start choking. Something grabbed her and pulled her to shore. She gasped for breath and tried to regain strength. Her vision was blurry and she couldn't see anything a foot infront of her. She gagged and threw up sea water.


SC dragged red on land. She fell limp to the ground and coughed up some water.
"Red? You ok?"
She didn't respond. Quickly he dragged her back to there spot on the sand and called over yellow and blue.
"What happened?" Blue asked
"We were racing to shore and a wave knocked her under. She nearly drowned."
Yellow bent down next to her sister. (I forgot to mention that yellow and red are sisters and blue [boy] and green [girl] are bro and sis, if you didn't read reds lag, you wouldn't know.)
"Red? Can you hear me? Please respond."
Nothing. A woman across from them cried out.
"My daughter's not responding to me! She was knocked under waves and won't respond! Someone help!"
Blue ran over and examined the girl. SC and yellow followed.
"Same as red... I think it's a type of poison."
"In the whole ocean? Something evil must be out there to be able to poison the whole sea."
Looking out at the ocean, SC noticed a faint purple on the wave. He showed blue.
"Definitely poison. Yellow get some milk, we'll see if that helps."
Yellow grabbed some and gave it to the girl. Still nothing.
"It's not working!"
The mother shouted. Blue told yellow to get the life guard and close off the beach. It wasn't safe. All around the ocean was turning into a deep purple. SC returned to red. Her eyes were open, but they looked foggy. She didn't move. For a second SC thought she had died but then he noticed her breath. Carefully he picked her up. Purple, who had been sleeping under a umbrella, got up and followed SC. Yellow and blue also tagged along after telling the life guard. The beach was cleared with in a few minutes. It was a mess. It would take to long to get back to there hotel. Blue guided them into a hidden area. Long cat tails covered them. Blue and yellow started working on something that might help red. Purple sat down in a corner and watched. SC made a soft makeshift bed for red and place her on it. Her eyes seemed to clear for a second and she shifted the air. SC was hopeful, but only for a second. She quickly fell back down on the bed and groaned.
"Smells... Awful..."
TSC sniffed the air. Nothing smelled out of place. Smelled just like beach air. What red had was affecting her badly.

×*Purple POV*×

Red looked awful. Her eyes were dull and a drop of blood fell from her mouth. Everyone's attention was on saving her. They wouldn't notice if he slipped out. That's just what he did. Ducking back out of the cat tails, purple found the route back to his house. Even though it had felt like they had just arrived at the beach, the sky was darkening. He looked up. The clouds turned into a dark greyish black. He shivered as a cold wind swept by.

As he neared their hotel, he noticed someone standing outside. 'Probably just another person who's staying here.' He thought. But as he moved closer he noticed that the person was staring at him.
"What do you want?"
He hissed.
"Don't you recognize me?"
The person moved closer. Purple's eyes widened and filled with tears. He ran forward and hugged the person.

721 words
We're getting bigger chapters now! The actions finally starting 😏

Paranoid Purple prt 2 (Reds lag continued) [Alan Becker AvM AvA]Where stories live. Discover now