Death in the Sea

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(I'm not quite sure how to transition from the hospital, so let's just say they are out of it and have no place to stay.)

(Character death and blood warning ☠️ 🩸)

°•Red POV•°

We all stood out side where our hotel once was. It was a mess. Broken wood and glass everywhere. We had been trapped under all that and yet somehow survived. Blue had found purple and green and got them out of the hospital. Purple had gone blind in his one eye by a large and deep cut. Green had minor wounds.

Now that our hotel had been destroyed and all the belongings that we had brought were gone, we had nothing. We just stood there and stared. Rescue crews were still out trying to get others out of there crumpled houses.
"Were are we going to go now?"
Green asked.
"Maybe we can rent a vehicle and get home."
Blue said, shaking his head.
"Pepper said that Blaze wants to kill us. I don't think it would be safe at home. Maybe we can go check the beach, see if the water is normal yet. If it's fine, we'll talk more there."
SC said.
"You really think it's safe?"
Yellow asked.
"I don't know. But the monster is gone, maybe it's normal again."
So they started off to the beach. News reporters and ambulance workers were hard at work reporting on the destruction and saving people from it. The town had been turned to ruble. Streets cracked, buildings half way or completely destroyed, and animals lay dead on the street.

Once on the beach, things were less messy. The ocean looked normal again but had the faintest hint of purple. They decided not to go to close to the water, for fear it was still poisonous. Red shivered. Something was staring at her. She turned her head and saw three silhouettes standing above her. Blaze, Ivyn, and Crystal.


The sky suddenly darkened. Clouds were silhouetted in redish orange. Behind them stood the winged people.
"Oh you fools. Why would you think the beach was safe."
Blaze threw her hands up.
"Look! no one's around. No one will see you. No one will hear your calls for help. Your powerless. Now, fight me, if you dare."
She took off and her crew followed. Red gave chase. The gang cornered Blaze on the edge of a cliff.
"This seems to easy."
Green said, narrowing her eyes.
"Your right, be on your guard."
SC stepped closer.
"Don't you dare hurt my friends."
He hissed. Blaze narrowed her eyes and smiled. All of a sudden she was behind him. SC was to shocked to do anything. She punched him and sent him tumbling down the cliff. He landed hard on a small ledge just beneath it. The breath was knocked out of him. Blaze flew down to him and picked him up by the neck.
"Your pitiful!"
She spat and threw him over the edge. He fell into the water. Waves swallowed him. The water had turned back into deep purple and kept pulling him under it poisonous tide. He tried to break back to surface but something pulled him down. He tried to breath but instead swallowed water. He was going to drown.

°•Reds POV•°

The now dark purple waves crashed against the cliff. SC had gone under. They stared in silence and horror. No sign of him. The spot were he had gone under turned red with his blood. Red screamed. She fell to the ground and cried. The others charged forward and battled fiercely with Blazes crew. Blaze stood staring at the water. Red slowly got up. Anger raged with in her. Blazed turned to face her.
"You... You will die!"
Red spread her own wings and charged at Blaze. Blaze dodged her hit and putched her in the back. Red stopped herself from falling. She heard a splash to her left. Purple had fallen. He clung tight to a rock. Green screamed and ran to reds side.
"You can't help him!" Red screamed, dodging one of Blazes hits.
Green sobbed. The battle seemed to start slowing down. Blaze and her crew retreated to the top cliff.
"We killed two of your members. I will let the rest of you live now."
She waved her hand and then was gone. Red let her self fall to the ground. Yellow and blue came and comforted her.

*°Green POV°*

Purple clung tight to the rock. He looked up at me, his eyes looked scared. Deep purple waves beat hard on the rock. Purple slipped. He looked up at green again. Their eyes met. Suddenly his eyes shifted from scared to calm. He smiled softly and then fell into the waves. Green watched in horror as he was swallowed by the harsh ocean water. SC's blood still floated on the water. Green waited for purple's to join. Nothing. No blood came. All of a sudden purple's head popped out of the water. He moved his hand over the waves. They calmed. Slowly he stood up, on the water. The scar over his eye glowed. He carried SC's limp body in his arm. With another movement of his arm a wave carried him up to the cliff. He laid SC's body by red and then hugged green.

°•Red POV•°

SC's body laid before her. There was blood at the sides of his mouth. She hugged him and felt how cold his body was. He was dead. She sobbed.

905 words
If SC is your favorite character, I feel for you. I almost cried while making this. RIP TSC.

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