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"Laughing with my feet in your lap like you were my closest friend"

Y/N Southgate - 'Maroon'

June 13, 2021

The air crackled with anticipation as Y/N Southgate made her way through the bustling streets surrounding Stamford Bridge. The sunbathed the stadium in a golden glow, casting a radiant light upon the sea of blue-clad Chelsea fans eagerly awaiting the match to begin. It was a special day, not just for football enthusiasts, but also for Y/N herself.

As she entered the stadium, Y/N could feel the energy coursing through her veins. The familiar buzz of excitement enveloped her, sending shivers down her spine. The sound of passionate fans chanting echoed in her ears, their voices blending harmoniously to create a symphony of devotion.

Y/Ns heart swelled with pride as she scanned the stands, searching for familiar faces. There, amidst the sea of Chelsea supporters, was Mason Mount, her best friend and partner in mischief since childhood. Their bond had weathered the tests of time, growing stronger with each passing year.

She made her way towards him, her steps quickening with each stride. Mason's face lit up with a grin as he caught sight of her, his eyes reflecting the unspoken camaraderie that bound them together.

"Y/N!" he exclaimed, engulfing her in a tight embrace. "Happy birthday, my dear friend! This is going to be a night to remember."

Y/N beamed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Thank you, Masee! I can't think of a better way to celebrate than being here, watching you work your magic on the field."

As the teams took their positions, the stadium erupted into a symphony of cheers and applause. The match was underway, and the intensity on the pitch mirrored the fervour of the crowd.

Y/N's heart raced with every precision pass, every lightning-fast sprint, and every thunderous shot on goal. The ebb and flow of the game mirrored the rollercoaster of emotions that had characterized her own journey. She couldn't help but marvel at the dedication and skill displayed by the players, knowing first-hand the sacrifices they had made to reach this level.

Amidst the sea of emotions coursing through her, Y/N's mind drifted to her own aspirations. She yearned to contribute to the world of football, to lend her social media expertise to elevate the sport she loved. The position of a Social Media Manager for the England national team had been her dream, but the question lingered: would her father, Gareth Southgate, support her ambitions?

She had witnessed his unwavering dedication to the game, his tireless pursuit of excellence as the manager of the England squad. But their relationship had always been strained, marred by a lack of connection, and understanding. Y/N couldn't help but wonder if her dreams would ever align with her father's expectations.

Lost in her thoughts, Y/N suddenly found herself surrounded by an uproar of cheers. She snapped back to reality just in time to witness a breath-taking goal, with Mason Mount at the heart of it. The stadium erupted into a crescendo of jubilation, fans leaping to their feet in unison.

Y/N clapped her hands, her voice blending with the chorus of adoration. Pride surged through her veins as she watched her best friend basking in the glory of his accomplishment. At that moment, the divide between their lives, both on and off the field, seemed to fade away. They were united by a shared passion, a love for the beautiful game that transcended any personal differences.

As the final whistle blew, signalling Chelsea's victory, Y/N turned to Mason with a twinkle in her eyes. "You were incredible out there, Mase. I couldn't be prouder."

Mason grinned; his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Thanks, Y/N. Your support means the world to me. Tonight, we celebrate your birthday and our shared love for the game."

Together, they made their way out of the stadium, hand in hand, ready to immerse themselves in the festivities that awaited them. As they stepped into the night, the lights of London illuminating their path, Y/N couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for her own dreams. Perhaps, just perhaps, the ties that bound her to her father could be strengthened, and her journey as a Social Media Manager could take flight.

The story of Y/N Southgate and Mason Mount was far from over, and as they ventured into the night, a world of endless possibilities lay before them.

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