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"And life was never worse but never better"

Y/N Southgate- 'Wonderland'

July 7, 2021

Y/N Southgate took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest, as she prepared to have a difficult conversation with Mason Mount. The weight of the truth she was about to reveal threatened to overwhelm her, but she knew it was necessary.

She dialed Mason's number, her hand trembling slightly, and waited anxiously as the phone rang. After a few moments, Mason's voice filled her ear, laced with a mixture of warmth and curiosity.

"Hey, Y/N. What's going on?" he asked, his tone filled with genuine concern.

Y/N took a moment to compose herself, her voice steady yet tinged with apprehension. "Mason, I need to talk to you about something important. Can we meet in person?"

Mason hesitated for a moment before replying, "Sure, Y/N. Is everything okay? I can come over now if you want."

Relief washed over Y/N as she realized that Mason was willing to be there for her in that moment. "That would be great, Mason. I'll be waiting for you."

A short while later, Mason arrived at Y/N's doorstep, his face filled with a mix of worry and curiosity. Y/N greeted him with a small smile and invited him inside. They settled on the couch, a familiar space where they had shared countless conversations and moments of laughter.

Silence hung heavy in the room as Y/N gathered her thoughts, searching for the right words to express herself. Finally, she mustered the courage to speak.

"Mason, I'm pregnant," she began, her voice laced with a mix of vulnerability and determination.

Mason's eyes widened with surprise, and a smile played at the corners of his lips. "Wait, really? That's... that's incredible news, Y/N! Are you... are we...?"

Y/N's heart sank as she saw the hope and excitement in Mason's eyes. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the difficult truth she had to share.

"No, Mason," she said gently, her voice filled with compassion. "I'm sorry, but the baby is not yours. There's someone else involved."

Confusion and disappointment clouded Mason's expression. His smile faded, replaced by a mixture of hurt and disbelief. "But... I thought... I thought it could have been ours."

Y/N reached out, her hand gently resting on Mason's arm. "I understand how you feel, Mason. I never meant to lead you on or create false hope. Our connection is special, and I cherish it, but this is a different situation."

A mixture of emotions flickered across Mason's face, his gaze dropping to the floor. "I need some time to process this, Y/N. It's a lot to take in."

Y/N nodded, her heart aching for the pain she had unintentionally caused. "I understand, Mason. Take all the time you need. But please know that I value our friendship, and I want you to be a part of my life and the life of my child."

As the weight of the conversation settled upon them, an unspoken understanding passed between Y/N and Mason. The bond they shared was tested, but the foundation of their friendship remained strong. In that moment, Y/N made a decision to invite Mason into her life once again, to offer support and compassion in a time of uncertainty.

"Mason," she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity, "I know this is difficult, but I still want you to be involved, if you're willing. We may not share a biological connection, but the love and care we have for each other can transcend that."

Tears welled up in Mason's eyes, his vulnerability shining through. "Y/N, I... I care about you so much. It's going to be hard, but I don't want to lose you."

With a soft smile, Y/N leaned closer and enveloped Mason in a warm embrace. "You won't lose me, Mason. We'll face this journey together, supporting each other every step of the way."

As they held each other, their bond strengthened in the face of unexpected revelations. The path ahead may be uncertain, but their commitment to friendship and shared love would guide them through the challenges to come.

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