c h a p t e r f o u r t y - s i x

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" Yeah, we're happy, free, confused, and lonely in the best way"

Y/N Southgate- '22'

The morning sun gently crept into Declan's game room, illuminating a scene that was, to say the least, quite unconventional. Mason and Y/N lay side by side, sheets barely covering their naked forms, amidst a chaotic battlefield of clothes strewn across the room. It was the aftermath of a wild night, one they would remember for a long time.

Y/N stirred, rubbing her eyes as she sat up on the edge of the couch. She yawned and stretched, letting out a soft giggle as she took in the mess around her. Deciding it was time to salvage what was left of their dignity, she grabbed her scattered clothes and began to get dressed.

Y/N got dressed and stared at Mason with his messy hair which she loved. Y/N managed a sympathetic chuckle as she folded Mason's clothes neatly, getting dressed before he or Declan woke up.

Just as they she was somewhat decent again, Declan strolled into the room, bearing a glass of water and a few paracetamol tablets. He observed the scene with a bemused smile, recognizing the familiar signs of a wild night.

"Did you two have fun last night?" Declan asked with a sly grin, noticing the empty vodka bottles, the chaotic clothes, and the blush on Y/N's cheeks.

Y/N, taking a sip of her water, gave a simple yet cheeky response, "Yes, I did."

Declan couldn't help but laugh, setting the water and medicine on the table beside Mason. "Alright, it seems he needs this more than me."

Now that Mason was starting to snore, they turned their attention to a more pressing matter – how to wake him up and enact sweet revenge. Declan suggested scaring him, and with that plan in mind, he pulled out his phone to record the mischievous act.

Stealthily, Declan crept closer to Mason's side and, with all the theatrics of a seasoned prankster, he exclaimed, "Boo!"

Mason's reaction was far more explosive than anticipated. He jolted awake, emitting a scream that surely woke the neighbours. In his groggy state, he turned a glare towards Declan. "You're such a dick" he grumbled, his head pounding.

Declan merely laughed it off, enjoying Mason's discomfort. Mason seized the opportunity of Y/N and Declan being mean and whilst pouting said, "Little one, can you make me some pancakes? Just be sure Declan doesn't do anything stupid."

Declan retorted with a simple "No," but Y/N wanted to. She leaned in close to Declan and whispered, "I'll tell you all the gossip if you help me."

Declan's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Deal."

As Y/N headed to the kitchen, she quipped, "That's how you get him out of the room."

Mason couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. "What did you say?" he demanded.

But Y/N was already on her way, giving a sly wink and teasing, "That's for me to know and you to not."

Meanwhile, Declan and Y/N gossiped and laughed as Y/N cooked a fresh batch of pancakes. The scent wafted through the house, drawing Mason in like a magnet. But not before Y/N, without any shame, grabbed a jar of Nutella and began devouring it straight from the jar.

Declan just shook his head at Y/N's antics, but he couldn't help but smile. As they enjoyed the pancakes and continued their friendly banter, Y/N decided to make amends for the previous night. She sent Declan £44 with a note attached: "This is for the vodka Mason and I drank last night."

With full bellies and an atmosphere of camaraderie, the three friends embarked on yet another epic FIFA tournament. This time, the conversation flowed naturally, with Mason even taking the lead as the conversation initiator, eager to delve into the latest gossip and stories.

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