c h a p t e r t w e n t y - e i g h t

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"Well I get so confused and frustrated, forget what I'm trying to say"

Y/N Southgate - 'Tell Me Why'

Y/N was going about her day, tending to her usual routine when a sudden knock on her door startled her. Wondering who it could be, she hurriedly made her way to answer it, with Pressley following closely behind.

As Y/N swung open the door, she was met with a sight she hadn't anticipated—Ben Chilwell standing there with a sheepish smile. Pressley's eyes lit up with excitement as she recognized him.

"Uncle Ben!" Pressley exclaimed, rushing forward and wrapping her tiny arms around his legs.

Ben chuckled, crouching down to Pressley's level and returning the hug. "Hey there, little one! It's good to see you too."

Y/N couldn't help but smile at the heartwarming scene. "Ben, what brings you here?" she asked, curiosity evident in her voice.

Ben's smile faltered slightly as he scratched the back of his head. "I... I had a bit too much to drink last night, and I needed to clear my head. I ended up here," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of embarrassment and regret.

Concern etched on her face, Y/N invited Ben inside. She led him to the living room and offered him a seat. Pressley, still clinging to Ben's leg, looked up at him with wide eyes, her excitement contagious.

"Uncle Ben, are you going to stay and play with us?" Pressley asked, her voice filled with hope.

Ben glanced at Y/N, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. Y/N nodded, assuring him, "You're welcome to stay if you want. Pressley would love the company."

Ben's lips curved into a grateful smile as he looked down at Pressley. "I'd be honored to spend some time with you, little princess," he said, his voice warm and sincere.

As the three of them settled into the living room, Y/N and Ben engaged in a conversation, catching up on each other's lives. They talked about recent events, shared stories and laughter, and slowly, the tension that had lingered between them seemed to dissipate.

Ben opened up about the challenges he had faced in his personal and professional life, and Y/N listened attentively, offering words of encouragement and support. In that moment, their friendship began to mend, as they realized the importance of being there for each other during difficult times.

Meanwhile, Pressley, blissfully unaware of the complexities, played happily in their midst, bringing smiles to both Y/N and Ben's faces.

As the hours ticked by, the conversation between Y/N and Ben deepened, veering into heartfelt discussions about life, dreams, and the paths they had taken. They shared their vulnerabilities and fears, creating a space of understanding and empathy.

Eventually, as the evening drew to a close, Y/N glanced at the clock and noticed how late it had gotten. "Pressley, sweetheart, it's time for bed," she gently called out.

Pressley pouted, not wanting the evening to end. "But Mommy, can't Uncle Ben stay and read me a bedtime story?" she pleaded, her big innocent eyes pleading with Y/N.

Y/N exchanged a knowing glance with Ben, a silent agreement passing between them. "Alright, one story," she relented, her voice filled with affection.

Pressley's face lit up with joy as she eagerly led Ben to her bedroom. Y/N followed closely behind, feeling a sense of warmth and gratitude for the unexpected connection that had formed between them all.

As Ben began reading Pressley's favorite story, Y/N leaned against the doorway, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of happiness and contentment. In that moment, she realized that life had a way of weaving unexpected bonds, and sometimes, the people who entered our lives unexpectedly could bring profound healing and growth.

With a renewed sense of hope and a heart full of gratitude, Y/N knew that this chapter was far from over. The future held endless possibilities, and she was ready to embrace them, guided by the strength of the connections she had forged along the way.

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