c h a p t e r t h i r t y - t h r e e

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"Help me hold onto you"

Y/N Southgate - 'The Archer'

The car ride back from the airport had started with a heavy atmosphere, the weight of unresolved emotions still lingering among Y/N, Mason, and Ben. As the miles stretched on, tension simmered beneath the surface, waiting for the right catalyst to erupt.

Suddenly, amidst the sea of swirling thoughts, Y/N felt her chest tighten, her breath becoming shallow and erratic. Panic gripped her like an unrelenting vice, seizing control of her body and mind. It was an overwhelming sensation, suffocating and disorienting.

Sensing Y/N's distress, Pressley began to fidget in her seat, her concern mirroring her mother's anxiety. Pressley's voice wavered with worry as she pleaded for the car to pull over. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the driver quickly obliged, maneuvering the vehicle to the side of the road.

In the confined space of the car, Ben and Mason reacted swiftly, their instincts guiding them to calm Y/N's racing heart. They turned their full attention to her, their voices steady and reassuring. Words of comfort spilled forth, gentle reminders to focus on breathing, to find a sense of grounding in the midst of the swirling storm within.

As Y/N struggled to regain control, her trembling hands found solace in the steady grip of Mason's and Ben's, their touch a lifeline in the midst of chaos. Their unwavering support anchored her, reminding her that she was not alone in her battle against the suffocating waves of panic.

With their assistance and the comforting presence of their friends, Pressley was carefully taken out of the car. Understanding the need for distraction and solace, one of their friends stepped forward, offering to read Pressley a story, to engage her in a world of imagination and respite.

As Y/N focused on slowing her breathing, her attention flickered between the soothing voice reading to Pressley and the unwavering support provided by Ben and Mason. In the midst of vulnerability, a newfound trust and connection emerged, solidifying the bond that held them together.

Minutes stretched into moments, and gradually, the storm within Y/N began to subside. Breathing steadied, heart rates slowed, and a sense of calm began to wash over her. She found strength in their presence, drawing courage from the knowledge that they would weather any storm by her side.

Once Y/N's panic attack had fully dissipated, the group reconvened, the car ride resuming with a renewed sense of unity and understanding. The journey continued, no longer weighed down solely by unresolved tensions but by a shared commitment to support one another through the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.

In the rearview mirror, Y/N caught a glimpse of Pressley, captivated by the story being read to her, her worries momentarily forgotten. It was a poignant reminder that even in the midst of personal struggles, the power of love and support could bring solace not only to oneself but to those who relied on them.

As the car journey continued, Y/N took solace in the warmth of Mason's and Ben's presence. Together, they navigated the winding road ahead, their bond strengthened by the trials they had faced and the unwavering commitment to weathering life's storms, hand in hand.

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